Page 103 of Luna

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He’s wrapped around me like a blanket of arms and legs and chest and safety.

I tried to pull away a few times during the night, either to get up to go to the bathroom or just to get some air, but he just tightened himself around me.

I don’t know what I expected was going to happen when I came back to the Baxter offices yesterday morning, but it wasn’t this. I came back to talk, and I feel like we haven’t really done much of that at all.

And now I don’t want to.

I don’t know what happened that let me break through his armor, but now I never ever want to be on the outside again, looking in at Kingsley Baxter.

I like it here in the inner sanctum.

I like seeing him funny and sweet. I like seeing him primal with desire. I like seeing him drop the mask, the billionaire businessman persona and just relax.

I like him. Period.

Too much, and there’s an undercurrent of foreboding in the back of my mind that this all can’t end well.

But I’m in too deep to stop the fall, and I don’t even want to.

It’s going to hurt, and I think I’m going to relish every second of it. If it means I can lie here in the circle of his arms, breathing him in, just for another five minutes.

“Stop thinking, moonshine,” he murmurs sleepily, his face in my neck.

“What makes you think I was thinking?” I nibble on his arm, memorizing the way his soft arm hairs tickle against my cheek.

“I could practically hear the tick-ticking of your brain.”

“That was probably your own brain,” I say and then wriggle back against him. “You haven’t sat at your laptop for almost a whole day. That must be some sort of record for you.”

He groans and then kisses my shoulder before rolling over onto his back, one arm still under my head, the other resting on his forehead.

“Thanks for reminding me that I have an early meeting.”

I roll over so that I’m nestled against his side, my head on his chest.

My place.

He slides his arms down to under my back, running his fingertips up and down my spine for a minute and then dropping a single kiss on my forehead. “I’ve got to get up.”

“Fine.” I gaze up at him with a wink.

A rumble ripples over his chest. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

He rolls onto his side, swinging his legs off the bed and popping up onto his feet. “Like I’m making the stupidest mistake of my life getting out of this bed.”

I sit up and pull the sheet off me, baring my naked body. “Your choice, Baxter.”

“You’re killing me, Pham.”

“No, I’m just giving you incentive to stay in bed.”

He leans onto the bed and kisses me, gripping my throat as his lips caress mine.

I’m addicted to his kisses.

Finally, he pulls away with a reluctant sigh. “Hold the thought until lunchtime, okay? I’m going to quickly jump into the shower and get ready for my first meeting.”
