Page 111 of Luna

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“Bouncy castles. Lots of them.”

I blink. “Bouncy castles.”

“Yeah, nobody ever didn’t have a good time jumping in a bouncy castle. Bring a hundred bouncy castles, one for each year. That’s all you’ll need.”

I hold my hands up in surrender. “Well, alright then. I’ll put it to the committee.”

“No, you won’t!” She laughs, throwing her balled-up napkin at me.

“I will! I’ll make sure you get credit for it, too,” I say, digging my fingers into her sides and making her dissolve into a flurry of kicking arms and legs and giggles.

“Kingsley?” she gasps when she can finally breathe again.

“Yes, moonshine?”

The laughs fade into anxious, hesitant eyes. “This… us. It’s not a good idea, is it?”

The question takes me off guard, but not by surprise. It’s all I’ve been thinking about for weeks. “It’s just about the worst idea I’ve ever heard of,” I tell her honestly.

She seems to appreciate the honest answer. “What are you going to do about it?”

“Well, it seems as though everything I decide, you just tempt me to do the opposite. So I think I’ve given up trying to control it. I’m just putty in your hands. I don’t trust easily, or really at all, Luna. But I can’t stop falling into whatever this is, with you. I’m yours. To do with whatever you will.”



It should’ve been a good day.

Waking up with Luna’s soft body cocooned in mine, my body sore in the most delicious way, the taste of her kisses still lingering on my tongue.

It should have been a good day.

But since the moment my mother’s perfume choked up my office, everything else stumbled along, having been started on the wrong foot.

Everything I touched felt like it turned to shit, every conversation, every report, every set of data seemed to transform in front of my eyes for the worse.

As I’d guessed, she had nothing of value to tell me.

Gerry was in London.So what? We already knew that.

It has to mean something, Kingsley.We know. Why shouldshecare? She never has before.

What could she do?Just leave us all alone.

She didn’t like those responses, and when I insisted on making sure she knew where the exit was, she made it known that she was hurt.

I could help you.History has proven otherwise. Over and over.

It’s the same every time.

She’s never back in our lives for something altruistic.

She’s the sign of the coming plague.

I took the elevator to the roof after making sure she’d gotten into her car, just to clear my lungs of her cloying perfume and my mind of her taloned fingers. But the fresh air didn’t do me any good. All I wanted to do was turn back time and go back to when it was just me and Luna in my bed. Her soft snoozing breath against my neck, my fingers tucked in the curve of her neck.

Yesterday had been a fever dream, one from which I still resent I had to wake up.
