Page 119 of Luna

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"Just where do you think you're going? You're going to kiss me like that, and leave me with this?"

She looks up at me, her hand reaching for my cock, her teeth digging into her lip. "What do you suggest, Mr. Baxter? I could drop to my knees right here and..."

The elevator dings, alerting us that it's making a stop in the lobby.

"Hold that thought." She gives my cock a squeeze, sending a spark of want through me, and then lets go ."I meant that figuratively. But while you're at it, stand in front of this situation that you caused will you, you little troublemaker," I whisper against her hair just as the elevator doors slide open.

She giggles and moves in front of me as three Baxter employees step onto the elevator.

"Mr. Baxter. Miss Pham" they greet us with polite nods.

"Hello, Harry, Debra," I reply with a similar nod. "On the way to our marketing meeting?"

Luna gives them a little wave. "Oh, Jacob, I hope your wife is feeling better."

"Much better, thank you, Luna." He turns to me, "And, Mr. Baxter, she said to please thank you for the week of premade meals, they helped a lot."

I wave his thanks away. "Don't mention it. I didn't think that a week of home cooked meals of your world-renowned ramen was going to help her feel better."

"Definitely not, sir," Jacob chuckles.

"Kingsley!" a voice yells out just as the elevator doors close.

A voice that sends chills down my spine, and a bitter taste on my tongue.

"Excuse me," I say, pushing through the crowd in the elevator and press the "open doors" button, bracing for what is to come.

"What...?" Luna says, softly.

I give her a warning look, with a shake of my head. "Just go upstairs, okay?"

She frowns and I can only hope that she'll listen.

The elevator doors open, and I'm greeted by two security guards standing there, flanking the last person I ever want to see.

"Gerald, what are you doing here?"

I step off the elevator and hear it close behind me. But I can feel her behind me. It's the only time I haven't wanted her to be near me.

"Kingsley, what's the meaning of this? My access has been revoked," my uncle says, as if his alcohol-addled brain has forgotten that he's a traitor to the company as well as to his family.

"Mr. Baxter," Jim, my head security guard, says as he eyes me, his voice low. He's been with us for almost ten years and is one of the few people outside of the immediate family and the board of directors who knows the situation with Gerald. And he's been told that under no circumstances is Gerald allowed access to the building.

"I've got this Jim, thank you very much." I grab Gerald's arm and pull him to a quiet corner of the lobby.

"I suggest you let go of me, nephew," he growls, struggling against my hold.

"And I suggest you turn around, walk out of here of your own accord, and don't ever think about coming back,Uncle."

"The hell I will, I'm the CE—"

"You are nothinghere!" I hiss under my breath, the hatred for the man standing in front of me slashing of my self-control.

"That's not how the world see it right now. Ask anyone, I'm still the interim CEO."

"Because we didn't want the world to know what a sniveling slime bag you are. How do you think 'the world' is going to think about you if they knew the kind of things you get up to?"

He snickers, "It's all so black and white to you, isn't it, Kingsley? Your brother, with all his scandals, was bad for Baxter in the US. I just—"
