Page 153 of Luna

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"I am only hesitating because I don't have an answer for you."

I take a moment to word the next question as benignly as I can despite my residual feelings. "How did your meeting with Alex go? You haven't had a chance to tell me yet."

"It went... interestingly."

"He seemed less than happy when I went there looking for you."

"Geez. Did you both keep your pants on this time? You both put quite the display on this morning with your puffed out chests."

"I behaved. To an extent," I add, thinking about the comment I was going to make on his Boccioni. "I can't say the same for him."

She wriggles back against me, getting more comfortable. "Well, I don't know what you said to him, but he and I ended things on good terms. We talked through a few things. I think he understands a little more where I am on working for Hamilton Group."

"And where is that?"

"That I have no idea," she laughs. "But I think he understands that I need a little more time now. And he's going to try to not pressure me as much."

"I'd like to see him try," I mumble under my breath. "You should just forget about Hamilton and come work for Baxter. I'll fight him for you."

"Is that an example of how well you behaved? Because I might need to put you in time out. Anyway, I agreed to shadow him a few days a week. Just to get more of a firsthand view of Hamilton. Okay?"

Ugh. Fine."Yes, ma'am. Anything else."

"Yeah, he mentioned something about the Cancer Union gala next week. I'm going to go with him. If that's okay with you. I know you mentioned something in passing about it but it sounded like a work thing and I didn't think you'd mind."

Of course, I minded. I was looking forward to actually going with her, someone I liked, on my arm for once. I had plans for that gala. But I don't want to step in between her and Alex. As much as I'm angry with the guy right now, she has to make her decisions when it comes to him and her father's company. As much as I want to protect her, the point of me being her trustee is to equip her with the knowledge and the trust in her instincts to make the right decision for herself, not to make them for her. Ss much as I wish I could.

"Whatever you want, Moonshine," I answer, nuzzling my face in her neck, breathing her in.

She giggles, reaching back to ruffle my hair, her anger seemingly dissipated. "So how long do you think this is going to last?"

"What exactly?"

"This remorseful, let Luna do whatever she wants phase and Mr. Bossy Britches makes a comeback."

I pull back, adopting a shocked expression on my face. "Whatever do you mean? I have never been anything but a proponent for equality in our relationship. You have way more orgasms than I do."

Her eye roll is so pronounced that for a moment I worry that her face might get stuck that way.

"Fine. Look, back to the issue, I would've been more than thrilled to walk in with you on my arm, but I'll see you there. And you go home with me, not him."

She sighs and fans herself. "Wow, I feel like such a princess. Two handsome rich men vying for my attention," she fans herself dramatically.

"I would imagine you're used to that."

She's drinking as I say that and she almost chokes on the cider. "Hardly. I'm hardly the ideal type."

I frown at her implication. "You've said that before. You don't really believe it, do you?"

"Of course I do, it's not a self-esteem thing. I'm comfortable with who I am. But I know I'm a— what have you called me? A five foot imp with wild hair and pixie boots. I'm not really anybody's type. It makes it easy to move around and not have to worry that anyone's pining after me. Everyone's told me that my whole life."

I stare at her, incredulous. "Whotold you that?"

"Boys at school, my friends... Ernest."

Anger twists itself in blood vessels. Idiot boys at school and competitive teenage girls saying something so stupid I guess I could understand, but her own father? What was Ernest thinking?

She waves it away. "It's fine. I know who I am. But it has always made me a little distrusting when someone says they want me. I... wonder why they do?"
