Page 157 of Luna

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He catches them staring and rolls his eyes.

Finally, Matthias breaks the silence. "Well. Um, so, everyone in one room. And the house hasn't exploded yet. Who could have predicted that?"

"Not me," Theodore says from the door that leads out to the terrace.

There's a loud commotion as Kylian and My-Linh rush over to him to give him hugs.

Once everyone has caught up, Theodore excuses himself under the guise of not wanting to be around the exact spot where Godis going to send thunderbolts, and relative calm descends on the kitchen again.

"So, why the hell are you all here unannounced and uninvited?" Kingsley asks, rinsing his coffee cup in the sink, and reaching out for mine.

"The gala tonight. The girls thought they'd take Luna out for a spa day and get to know her before we go tonight," Kylian explains.

"How did they know she was here?" Kingsley queries through narrowed eyes at Damien in particular.

Damien just shrugs, looking bored, and grabs My-Linh, and holds her closer to him.

Kiara grabs my hand. "Yes, come get a massage, and your nails done with us, Luna! We all deserve some pampering!"

I actually start to feel excited at the thought of getting to know them a little better. "Sure. But... I actually don't even have a dress yet."

Kingsley leans in, and whispers in my ear. "You do. I just haven't shown it to you yet. It was going to be a surprise."

Shivers trickle down my spine at his voice.


He winks in response.

"So, it looks like I do have a dress. So, I'm all yours."

"Yay!" My-Linh clasps her hands together. "We're going to have so much fun." Somehow she manages to wrangle herself out of Damien's tight hold on her, and she comes over to me, grabbing my hand and drags me into the next room.

"I'm so glad to meet you. If you ever feel uncomfortable or anything, it can get a bit much at these galas, and even just around us all, just give me a wink and we'll dial it back a bit. Now come on. Let's go spend some Baxter money," she laughs and links her arm with mine, calling for Kiara and Clarissa over her shoulder.

Three hours later, I feel like I have three new best friends.

All three of the women, obviously great friends themselves, have done nothing but welcome me to the group. Never leaving me out of the conversation, explaining if there's ever an in-joke I might not understand a reference to, and making sure to ask me lots of questions.

Mostly about Kingsley.

Considering his brothers saw me naked in Kingsley's bed, there doesn't really feel like any reason to hide our relationship any more.

And I answer as many questions as I can without giving away anything that I think he might not want them to know.

"Is he romantic?" Clarissa asks as we sit in a row at the spa, our feet soaking in the tubs.

"He is. In his own way. Like, he always brings me something small if he's coming home from a late meeting or something. He knows I like snacks."

My-Linh sighs, patting her chest. "I knew it. I knew he'd be such a good partner."

"You did not," Kiara argues, and nudges her with her elbow. "You once told me you thought he'd end up with a remote-controlled girlfriend in his sixties."

"Hey!" My-Linh yells, blushing bright red. "I just meant that he was so busy with work, I couldn't imagine when he might have time to meet someone. Not that there was anything wrong with him. I swear that's not what I meant," she says to me, grimacing.

"Girl. Don't worry. I wondered the same thing when I met him. And how that remote-controlled robot would have to havea pretty strong grip to pull that rusty stick right out of his ass, right?"

My-Linh's mouth drops open while Kiara cackles and Clarissa shakes her head, falling back against her salon chair silently laughing.
