Page 159 of Luna

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"Yes. I'll be fine."

"You want to tell us now exactly what he said that day?"

There's really no point in hiding it now, they have a right to know. "He said to Luna that she was never going to be as important to me as the company. That I was going to hurt her, and that if she wanted to be hurt by a man who knew what he was doing, to call him."

Matthias lets out a low whisper. "Fuck. No wonder you punched him."

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before. We were still trying to figure out what we were, er, are, doing, or… whatever."

Kylian snorts. "Sounds like you have a really good handle on it now though, Kingy."

"Shut up. You know what I mean. We're solid now, okay."

"If you say so. What are you going to do if he goes up to her tonight."

The thought of coming near her is already making angry. "One, I hope she'll be with me and not Alex. And two, I'm going to walk away. Last time, I wasn't ready for it. I will be this time."

"Speaking of Alex, how's he holding up over at Hamilton?" Matthias asks. "And Luna? Is she ready to take up the helm there? That would make things interesting for you."

I'm not really sure what to tell them. My feelings for Alex are, or should be, separate to my feelings for my old mentor's company, and even more separate to Luna's trust. And it's been a struggle to remember that sometimes.

"Well, if she did, I wouldn't be her trustee any more, so whatever she decided, those would be her decisions."

Kylian shoots me an incredulous look. "And you'd be able to let her make them?"

"I'm her trustee, and boyfriend, not her keeper. Sheesh. Why does no one think I can let other people make their own decisions."

"Forgetting for a moment that he's the bossiest mofo on the planet and that includes everyone in this room, did our big brother just call himself someone's 'boyfriend?''' Matthias snorts, looking at Kylian.

"Surely not. I'm sure he meant her 'snookums sweetie muffin pumpkin pie?'"

"Guys," Damien cuts in. And I throw him a grateful look for his support. Then he says, "I think we all know that Kingsley is very up to date with the young people. He's actually herbae."

"Wow!" I exclaim. "Betrayed to the highest order."

Damien shrugs. "That's for lying to me when I asked you if anything was going on with her at the same time as you two were sexting while on a video call with us."

Kylian jumps out of his chair. "Wait. What?! When? How did I miss this?"

My head tilts back, a migraine starting to squeeze around my skull. "God. Please. Kill me now."



When I open thedoor to Alex's apartment later that day, I don't expect Kingsley to be standing on the other side, holding a giant box, with a small box on top of it.

"Kingsley! What are you doing here?"

After the shopping trip I'd told the girls that I was going to go back to Alex's apartment and get ready there. I'd needed a little rest, and just some time to think about some of the things Clarissa had said.

"I heard you weren't feeling well. I just wanted to check that you're going okay. I also had to get your dress to you."

"You are my hero!" I grab the little box and he follows me into Alex's guest room where I was resting.

"Where is he?"

"He's at the office, he'll be home in a bit so you better get out of here by then."
