Page 182 of Luna

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Any accusations of impropriety between the two parties are solely aimed at smearing Mr. Baxter and Miss Pham's character and will be dealt with accordingly.

Miss Pham’s personal and professional relationship with The Hamilton Group and the accusation of shared privileged information is of no relevance to Baxter Enterprises.

Any questions related to other details in the article should be directed to the relevant parties.

I look up from the memo, scrunching it up in my hand.

"You're joking? Who told her to write this?"

"Nobody did,” Matthias says. “She was doing her job. This is her job. This is why we pay her what we pay her. To get ahead of these things. We're already on the back foot as it is. Gloria was just giving us some options."

"You want me to publicly deny my relationship with Luna? This is basically throwing her under the bus when it comes to the accusations of her sharing info! It's no better than the actual article except that it comes from the desk of Baxter! You're crazy if you think that I'm approving this."

Damien stands up patting my shoulder. "Fine. We didn't tell you to. We just asked you to read it. It might give you some idea about what else we can do."

"If it's anything like this”— I scrunch it up into a ball and throw it into my trash can—”then consider it a worthless idea and don't come to me with any more like it. She didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I was the wrong one getting into a romantic relationship with my mentor's daughter. But she is innocent in all this. And she's staying that way. The last thing I'm going to do is abandon her when all of this is my fault in the first place. Come on, it’s time. Let's go take care of this bullshit."



"Alex, what are youdoing here?"

"We need to talk. There's something I need to tell you. And something to show you. And you're not going to like it."



The meeting is justgoing around in circles.

Someone will ask a question, I’ll give them an answer. They don't like the answer, and then someone asks a version of the same questions again.

Because for the big question, there is no answer.

I don't know what happened with the government contract bid.

I know what Baxter did, Idon'tknow what happened with the joint bid.

All I know is that Luna had nothing to do with it, and that's the only thing I care about being imparted at this meeting.

"This is not looking good," I turn to Matthias with a whisper. "We need to change the focus of the argument."

"Agreed. What do you suggest?"

I scan my notes. "Bring up how Gerry knew about this article. How did he get the scoop on it before anyone else."

Matthias nods, and patiently waits until the board member finishes his comments which add nothing of value before he stands up. "I'd like the floor to ask a question, Mr. Chairman."

"Go ahead, Matthias."

"Mr. Chairman, and fellow board members, I, and some of the other board members, would like to know how Gerald obtained information about this article. My own sources at the same media outlet don’t have any information about its existence. And yet, Gerald, has an advance copy. I would like to know how and why he has it."

The way Gerry's face looks like someone blasted it with a blow torch tells me Matthias's question has hit a sore point.

"That is irrelevant," he splutters.

Matthias gives him a pointed look. "Is it? I mean, at this point, the entire leak of this article seems as much an example of hearsay as all the ‘information’ in it. I really can't even say that I fully believe that it's a real article. Maybe Gerry typed it up on his little typewriter and is trying to pass it off as a real article that is going to be published."

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