Page 31 of Luna

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He just swallows and sits back in his chair.

He looks about as shaken as I am. Did he not know? What does this mean for him?

“What about…?”

Jarvis seems to be able to understand what I’m trying to say.

“Your father left the other 50% of his shares to Alex. You are both the largest shareholders of The Hamilton Group. Aside from the shares, your father also split his stock portfolio between the two of you, with each currently having a value of about £10 million. And, Luna, he also opened a cash account for you with £1,000,000. Alex, you have your salary from working from the company, of course. He left the remainder of his liquid assets to some charities and other friends and family.”

For the first time since I stepped into the room, I turn to Kingsley. I don’t know why, but I do. Whether it’s because he seems as shocked as I do, or because I have no idea what he’s doing here, or simply because somehow, this total stranger has become my safety in the chaos, I don’t know.

Jarvis notices the direction of attention and takes it as an invitation to explain Kingsley’s presence.

“Kingsley, the reason Alex asked you here today is because, as you see in your letter, Ernest left instructions requesting you be appointed the trustee of Luna’s trust.”

“What… um, what does a ‘trustee’ mean?” I hear myself ask.

Alex leans forward. “It means Kingsley will run your trust for you, making decisions about your shares and—”

Jarvis cuts in. “Yes in simple terms, the trustee helps manage the trust. Your father was worried that you might not be prepared at first to manage your stocks as well as your cash account, so he appointed a trustee to help you until a time you both feel it fit for you to take it over yourself.”

“And when did, um… when did he set this up?”

Jarvis and Alex share a look. “It’s been set up for several years now. He just never wanted to bring it up with you while he was alive.”

“Oh my god!” I gasp, covering my mouth with my hand in shock.

Kingsley finally stands up, placing the folder on the table.

“Alex, Jarvis. I thank you for the painting, and I’ll have someone come pick it up as soon as possible. As for the other… thing. I’m afraid…er.” He stops.

It’s the least assured I have ever heard him. Everything else I’ve ever heard him say has been exacting, confident. Sure. There’s none of that right now.

He clears his throat and continues. “I think this is something that has to stay in the family. And… as close as I was to Ernest, that’s not me.”

Through blurred eyes, I watch as he reaches his hand out toward Alex. “Nice to see you, Alex. I’m sure you’ll do great things with Hamilton. Jarvis, it was good to see you as well.” He looks down at me. “And, uh, Miss Pham. It was… it was, er, lovely to meet you. Your father… was a great man. And I’m sure with whoever becomes your trustee, you’ll be in good hands.”

And Kingsley Baxter walks out of the office, without turning back, without another word.

And it’s only because of some superhuman strength that I don’t call after him.

Beg him to stop. Beg him to come back and help me make sense of all this.

He didn’t say he’s been assigned to be my personal protector?

How could he leave me in this storm?

Jarvis is the first one to speak after what feels like minutes of silence. “I’ll talk to him, Alex. I’m sure this is all a shock.”

No fucking kidding.

Alex shakes his head, almost angrily. “Jarvis, can’t we bypass this? Does Luna really need a trustee? Can’t you do it? Or me?”

“No, Ernest made it extremely clear that he wanted it to be Kingsley.”

“Then maybe he should’ve talked to him about it before he died!” Alex shouts.

I flinch. I don’t know what any of this means, but Alex almost seems hurt that he wasn’t appointed as the trustee or whatever. Though I’m not sure why.
