Page 49 of Luna

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“Um, wh-what… hours can I…?” She flicks her eyes to me for clarification.

“I’m awake whenever you need me to be, Miss,” he answers her.

I nod. “He is. He’s very annoying. Always wanting me to ask for toast or hot cocoa at two a.m.” I scoff. “Some of us are busy working at that time and don’t want to be interrupted, Theodore.”

“Maybesome of youshould be trying to sleep.”

“Thank you!” Luna yells, throwing her hands into the air. “He doesn’t sleep much, does he?”

My butler leans in and covers his mouth with his hand but does nothing to lower his actual voice. “No, Miss, he does not. I’ve tried to tell him he’s going to age early, but he doesn’t listen.”

“I’m already starting to see some…” She raises her finger, pointing at my forehead.

“If you two are quite done breaking the ice by ganging up on me, I actually have a company to get back to running now.”

Theodore grins and gives her a wink, and she giggles behind her hand.

A minority in my own house.

“Dinner’s at eight. Get some rest. We’ll talk more then.”

Luna opens the door to her room, picking up her bag.

“Kingsley, I’m scared. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.”

Her trepidation curls like a fist around the protective instinct that has sprung out of nowhere, wanting to shield her from the world.

“That’s okay. That’s why you have me.”



“That’s why you have me.”

His words stick with me for the afternoon, even as I try to get a few hours rest or when I take an hour-long shower or wander the grounds.

It feels a bit like snooping to go wandering the house, so I find a side door in the kitchen and walk up and down the path that leads out to the garden. The sprawling grounds are immaculate even though it’s halfway through winter.

I can’t even believe that a property like this exists right in the middle of London. It feels like I’ve been transported to the Cotswolds, sitting in a gazebo at a cottage somewhere.

It’s really a wonder why Kingsley even feels like he needs to go to Watergate Bay to get away.

I could happily sit on this park bench and feel like I’m at complete peace. What must it be like to live like this?

I guess… I’m about to have my chance to find out.

One hundred sixty million pounds.

What I could do with that money.

Just sell my shares and run away and never look back.

Do all the things I never even imagined doing.

Write a list of all the things in my wildest dreams and just do them.

Do nothing but travel and see the world and eat good food and go to concerts and…
