Page 69 of Luna

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“You’d get along well with Matthias,” I say, remembering countless conversations I’d had with my younger brother when I visited him during summer breaks. “He utterly hated college.”

She sits up straight, face interested at the details I’m sharing. “Really? Why?”

“Well, he liked the ready access to parties and women. Just hated the confinement of it all. Certainly not because of a lack of intelligence. Anything but, really.”

“Is he the smartest of all of you and your brothers?” she asks with a glint in her eye. I know what answer she expects. But it’s not the one I’m giving.

“No. Kylian is the most naturally intelligent of us.”

She drops her mouth open in mock surprise.

“Yes, I know you thought I was going to say myself. No, it’s Kylian. Taught himself to read by the time he was two years old. Top of his class in every class he ever took except at Chicago. That’s when he discovered just how big his bank account actually was and how to order the family jet to take him wherever he wanted. The rest of us were too busy working full time for the company to be watching him closely.”

She giggles. “He sounds like fun. They all do.”

“Matthias and Kylian are at least. Damien less so.”

Her eyes widen. “Uh-oh, is Damien more like you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I say with narrowed eyes.

She just lets out another adorable giggle, and I have to hide my smile behind my teacup.

“I’ll, um, look over some of these questions and get back to you, okay? And don’t be afraid to send me some more.” She nods. We’ve settled in a comfortable truce since the other night. She’s tried not to antagonize me as much, and I’ve tried not to inwardly blame her for the way I can’t stop thinking about her. “So, I take it you’re not thinking of becoming CEO of TheHamilton Group. That might require some business school,” I offer.

The look of disgust comes swiftly. “Is the other option death by paper cuts? Because I couldn’t imagine anything worse.”

“You’d do well. You pick up on things quickly.”

“I have a hot professor,” she says with a dramatic, lusty wink.

“Lucky you. All I have is an insubordinate pupil.”

“But she’s hot and cute, right?”

She’s teasing me. She’s teasing me not knowing just how close I am to the edge.

“Sir, it’s time for the—” Marcus says, stopping when he realizes I’m not alone in the office.

“Right. We’re almost done here, Marcus.” I get up, wiping my hands and collecting the trash while Luna quickly finishes her lunch, handing me her empty salad container.

She stands. “I guess I’ll see you back here in half an hour?”

Time stops as she waits for my confirmation, her face bright and open.

The words play on the end of my tongue. I will them swallowed, but they don’t listen, and instead I speak.

“Would you like to come with me?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Marcus do a double take, eyes widening, and he disappears from the door. Even my assistant knows this is a bad idea.

“Um. Are you sure?”


I nod. “If you’re not doing anything. It’s part of… it’s part of the job. A job you might be doing one day. Maybe.”

She frowns but then nods, wiping her palms down the sides of her black dress.
