Page 93 of Luna

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“Killing yourself? How? Blaming yourself? Wondering what you could’ve done differently to make you stay? Felt like you’ve been swimming in an acid bath, trying to wash your touch off my skin but also wanting to tattoo every word you said into my brain forever? Because maybe then you’ll have a tiny clue of what I’ve been feeling since that night.” A ragged sob escapes from my chest, and I want to die all over again. He shouldn’t get my pain. He doesn’t deserve it.

At the sound of my cry, any mask he had left crumbles, and the devastation streaks across his face.

“All those things. I felt all those things. And more.”

“Liar.” I fling the word at him.

“No. I’veneverlied to you and I never will. I’ve lied to myself, but never to you.”

Curiosity flits across my mind, even now. “What did you say when you lied to yourself?”

“That I could stay away from you, Luna.”

“And now?”

“I know there’s nothing further from the truth. I need you like fucking air.”

The declaration I’ve been wanting, been waiting for, since that night at his apartment. It feels almost anti-climactic, only in that it doesn’t satiate me.

I need more from him.

I need everything.

He gave me a taste of what it was like to have his full attention, his desire, his ragged growls. To have his rough touch, his soft guidance, his jagged breath.

I need it all. And there’s nothing that’s going to stop myself from begging for it.

“You don’t deserve me, Kingsley,” I throw at him, a last weak attempt of losing it all to him.

His eyes rise and fall with my heaving chest, and he skims his fingers along my bared neck. I swallow and his hand moves lightly around my throat and then slides away. “I know, sweetheart. But you’re going to have a fuck ton of fun making me work for you, aren’t you?”

The tectonic shift in the atmosphere moves everything in his favor in that second. And he knows it.

He buries his face in my hair, voice so low it cracks. “So, tell me, Luna, is there anyone else who might be breaking down my door trying to stop us right now?”

One single shake of my head.

“Good. Because God help the man who gets in the way of me doing this right now.”

He reaches for the hem of my skirt and yanks it down my legs as he drops to a kneel, pulling it all the way down to my feet.

It’s a past echo of us in the moonlight on his dark porch.

“Oh!” I grab his shoulder to steady myself.

“Step, Luna,” he commands.

I lift a foot and he slides my skirt out from under me.

He throws it to the side, running his fingertips up the length of my thighs as he stands up, then reaches for my shirt.

“Fucking buttons,” he growls and then rips my shirt open and slides it off my body before dropping it in a silken pool to the side.

He smirks as he steps back, looking at me in my matching baby blue with white polka dot cotton bra and panties set.

“So. Fucking. Cute,” he growls, his eyes scraping along my skin.

My front teeth dig into my bottom lip. I breathe deeply as he devours me with his eyes.
