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My eyes widen and Jeremiah throws his head back with laughter. "I don't think I've ever seen you look so embarrassed."

I glare at him, but my eyes go back to Ezekiel as he begins speaking again. "You can drop it off here. And then we'll meet you guys down there after we've gotten ready. Bye...Apparently, Charlotte had your card. She realized it this morning and has been trying to call you."

"Well, good thing you told them how I was with you two all night." I give him a fake smile.

"Would you rather I left them thinking you slept in the hallway or something all night?"

"I fucking should have," I seethe.

"But then we wouldn't have been able to have fun," Jeremiah says in a voice that is way too appealing.

"We won't be having fun anymore," I spit. "So, make sure to hold it fondly in your memory."

"You're lying," Ezekiel states as he stands.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, you're lying."

"And what the fuck makes you think that?"

He leans against the doorframe, making me back up to put some space between us.

"Because you haven't even bothered to cover up, which tells me you're inviting us to fuck you again. And because you haven't covered up, I can see how hard your nipples are and the wayyou're beginning to rub your thighs together as we keep talking. You're trying to convince yourself there won't be another round with us, but your body tells me something else entirely."

My mouth opens, meaning to let words pass my lips, but none come. My treacherous brain has picked this moment to empty of all thoughts, except of course, memories of last night.

A knock comes at the door and Ezekiel turns to look at it. "That will be Jackson with your card."

I hurry to step back, ignoring the chuckles I hear from both of them as I shut the door.

"I have to get out of here," I murmur to myself.

What the hell was I thinking even speaking to them, walking to the door naked? I was asking for nothing but trouble. I want their type of trouble, so badly. I hear voices talking outside my door, as I search for my dress, only to remember that my dress is laying on the the living room, for Jackson to see. I groan as I close my eyes and shake my head.

My eyes open when I hear the door shut again, then a knock comes at my door. I narrow my eyes at it, because I don't know how, but even the knock is like a damn smirk. Must be fucking Jeremiah. I, at least, have enough sense to wrap a sheet around myself before I open the door this time. And when I do, it's to Jeremiah standing there, holding my clothes in a neat pile in one of his hands. Dress at the bottom, panties on the top. Purposely, I'm sure. His eyes go to the sheet wrapped at my breasts and he tsks.

"A shame to cover such a beautiful body."

I completely ignore the heat that rushes through me and ask, "Where's my card?"

He nods behind him. "Zek has it."

"Of course, he does. You two are always playing some type of game."

His brows furrow then, expression becoming more sincere. "What game are we playing with you?"

"How many times can we get her into bed?"

He shakes his head. "I don't know why you would think that. We've been trying to get you to even stay in a room with us for more than three minutes for months.”

His words confuse the hell out of me, even as they make me want more of them. It's easier for me to just assume they want nothing but sex, so that I can pretend the same. I take the clothes from him and shut the door in his face. I try and get my mind together as I quickly dress. I need to get my card and go. I need to get out of this room that smells like them and away from their smirks and laughs.

I damn near tear the door open and ignore them sitting there, watching me as I stomp over to my shoes. I step into them, grab my purse beside them, and look at Ezekiel.

"Card, please."

"Give me a kiss for it."
