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“Yeah, yeah. I get all that. What I don’t understand is why you’re so sure it won’t work out.”


Because no other relationship I’ve had has lasted more than a few months. Because I always find what’s underneath those cute looks and sexy smiles is a man who isn’t actually man enough for me. Because every other guy I’ve been with has run the moment I told them what I needed to stop faking orgasms and really have one.

“It just won’t.” I settle on saying.

“He asks about you all the time, you know?”

Why does she have to tell me things like that?

“He’s just being friendly,” I insist.

“No. It’s more. And you know it. But sure, I’ll let you pretend, for a little while longer.”

“Soph, don’t get to thinking you’re cupid.”

“Me?” she asks with mock innocence.

Stopping at a red light, I cut my eyes to her. “Yes, you. I mean it, Soph.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll just let you continueplaying chessin your dreams, I guess.”

We both laugh as I begin driving again. When we get to my house, I set her on the couch, against her protestations, to unpack the books that’ll go on the living room bookcase Law and Jackson will be bringing over. Then I go into the kitchen to unpack the one heavier box I brought over myself, the pots andpans. I must lose track of how long I’ve been in here because I hear the front door open and Law’s voice a few moments later.

“There’s a delivery truck outside,” he distantly states.

Then Jackson’s voice… right behind me.

“Beautiful,” he says.

I snap up from where I was bent over the box. “What?”

“Your house. It’s beautiful.”

“Oh, thank you. I can have Soph give you a tour.”

“I’d rather it be you.” At my silence, he just grins and steps more into the kitchen. “I bet you’re going to be getting some really good sleep in here.”

My eyes widen as a soft gasp leaves me. Then my mouth gets tight. “I am going to kill Sophie.”


“For telling you about the dreams.”

His brows furrow, and I immediately realize my mistake.

“I meant I saw them taking your new, very soft looking mattress out of the truck as we pulled up. What did you think I meant?”

“Nothing,” I say quickly. Much too quickly.

He steps closer again. “Have you had… dreams about me?”

“It was only one,” I lie.

He tilts his head. “I don’t think so. Much more than one. Enough to have you avoiding me, looking anywhere but at me whenever we’re together.”

“That’s not true. I…” He comes even closer, and my words cut off before I murmur, “What are you doing?”
