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Hunter is wearinga black t-shirt today and Wranglers with dirt stains all over them. He has on his same black hat and boots, but his hair is tied back today. His arm is propped up against the doorway and his stare is dark and arrogant as he eyes my body. I swallow the remaining tea in my mouth and frown at him, hating how his smell is so strong and tantalizing.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him and he frowns at me.

“Morning to you too, Red,” he says with his dark, husky voice.

His accent is thicker this morning. I bet when he wakes up his voice sounds all gravelly and dark, seductive and sexy as he stretches his long, thick limbs out in his bed.

Don’t think about him in bed, Ali. You heard Marley, he’s trouble.

“Why are you here, Hunter?” I ask, hating how good his name sounds on my lips.

“Just came to see how you’re liking Cannon Falls so far. Didn’t get much of a chance to speak to you last night with Blondie there,” he says with a stern look, not seeming genuine at all.

No, he seems arrogant actually. Arrogant and rude and demanding and I don’t like any of those things, but I love the way his jeans hug every tight muscle in his thighs. I love that he’s at least almost two feet taller than me so that I have to look up at him from under my lashes.

Stop it, Ali. Now.

“I’ve been here many times in my life, Hunter. I don’t need checking up on. You can leave,” I say bitterly, trying not to stare at him for too long.

I start to shut the door in his face, but his large hand snaps out and grips it, stopping me. I stare at his rough hand. At his tan skin and calloused fingers. I bet his fingers would feel great against my soft skin, all gritty and scratchy while they would move down my bare thighs.


I blink the thoughts away rapidly and narrow my eyes at him. He doesn’t smirk or look me up and down anymore. Instead, his stare is long and hard. Serious and cocky all at once.

“We need to talk, Alison. I’d appreciate it if you would be kind enough to invite me in,” he says in his husky drawl.

I shouldn’t like how my name sounds on his tongue. I should fucking hate it.

I should hate it, but I don’t.

“What do we have to talk about? And why do I have to invite you in? Are you a vampire?” With that, his arrogant and sexy smirk returns.

“We have some things to discuss. And don’t worry, Red, I won’t bite you,” he says and I sigh, taking a few moments to decide whether or not to let him come in.

“Fine, but make it quick,” I say, stepping out of the way and leaving the door open for him as I walk back towards the kitchen to make more tea.

He shuts the door and follows me. I can feel his gaze burning into my backside, lighting me up and making flames lick their way up my spine.

I grab my cup from the table and put the kettle on, pouring the hot water in my mug with a fresh tea bag as I wait for it to steep.

“Aren’t you gonna offer me a cup?” Hunter asks as he takes off his hat and sets it down on the barstool next to the one he sits in.

He’s so fucking smug and arrogant. I don’t want to waste a single bit of my tea on him.

“I think you’ll be okay. What can I do for you, Hunter?” I ask, looking at my tea as it darkens in my cup, doing anything to avoid his smoldering blue eyes.

“I’d like to discuss the state of your father’s affairs,” he says simply, like he has the right to know.

God, this man infuriates me, and I’ve only known him for a day.

“My father’s affairs are none of your business, quite frankly, but if you must know, I have everything in order here,” I say in a stern tone, blowing on my tea and catching his stare as he locks eyes with my lips.

“Judging by the state of this ranch, I’d say otherwise,” he says in a smug tone.

