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“So, what did you do? Just continued to work for him?” I ask, wanting him to keep talking because I love being able to see into him, I feel like not a lot of people have gotten the opportunity to.

“No, I joined the army. He was able to let me go for a while because it was a service for the country and his dad was a World War Two vet, so it was my only way out. Not that I minded, bootcamp was easy and when I graduated, I climbed the ranks pretty quickly. I went all the way up to a warrant officer, ready to be promoted to a general until I was honorably discharged,” he says, his voice darkening.

“Why did they let you go?” I ask, my hand freezing on his chest as he sighs and grows silent for a while.

“Because I was showing signs of depression and it reflected on my work. It sounds so weak, you know? Getting discharged from one of the highest military ranks because you can’t handle your emotions.” His voice is so low, it’s almost lethal. It’s laced with regret and anger, and it makes my heart break for him even more.

I lean up, propping myself on my elbow as I grab his face with my hand, urging him to look at me.

“Everyone,everyonegets depressed. It’s normal and especially for people who have lost someone. Especially for people who were never allowed to grieve that loss,” I say, my eyes locked with his as he searches my eyes before kissing my hand.

“I’m not trying to scare you off and I’m not throwing a pity party for myself either, I just wanted you to…see me, because you have to understand, Ali that I am a fucked-up person. I’ve seen and done some bad shit in my life and I’m not looking for someone to absolve my sins,” he says, his tone serious as his eyes stay glued to mine.

“Then what are you looking for, Hunter?” I ask, my voice shaking as he grabs my face.

“Happiness, even if I don’t deserve it. And I know it sounds fucked up, maybe even impossible, but I want that happiness with you. I want everything with you. I just can’t promise that I won’t hurt you, even if I try not to,” he admits, his face sad and dark.

I stare at him for a while, my breathing deep and steady as I take in his words. I think about when I first saw him, about that feeling in my belly. About all the feelings he gives to me when we’re together, both bad and good. I think about the loss that I feel without him, the large space of emptiness that consumes my mind. It’s what makes me reach my final decision, a decision that could either save us or kill us.

“Then we try. We try if we have to hide it, we try when it gets hard. We just have to try and see, I guess,” I say finally, resting my nose against his before he pulls me in for a long, lingering kiss.


We lefthis house early that morning so that his dad or workers wouldn’t see my truck and get suspicious. I dropped him off at the bar where he left his truck and he kissed me forever before he reluctantly let me go, making me promise to text him when I got home. I don’t know why I needed to, since he followed me home anyways and waited in the road for me.

I was on cloud nine until I pulled into my driveway, and that’s when my heart sank into my stomach. Because alongside both Earl and Claire’s trucks, sat Ezra Brooks’ truck as well.

I hopped out and slammed the door, looking back for Hunter in the road, not surprised when I saw him speed down the gravel path of my driveway before he left his truck in a rush to follow me up the porch steps and into the house.

“What’s he doing here, Hunter?” I ask, lead sitting in my stomach along with a bundle of nerves as we walk towards the kitchen.

He doesn’t answer me, just marches to the room where the hushed voices are. When we walk to the kitchen, everyone turns to look at us, eyes narrowed. Earl is frowning, Claire is glaring at Hunter, and Ezra has the biggest smirk on his lips, a smirk that I suddenly want to smack right off.

“Good to see you, Ali…you too, Son,” he says, tipping his hat as he sits at the kitchen counter with both Earl and Claire.

“What are you doing here, Dad?” Hunter growls, his body blocking mine in a protective stance.

“I should ask you the same thing. Or actually, maybe I should ask why Ali’s truck drove onto my property and stayed outside your cabin all through the night,” Ezra says, crossing his arms and leaning back in the bar stool.

Fuck. We’re both fucked. Literally and figuratively at this point.

“Don’t all rush to answer at once, now. Matter of fact, I’ll save you the trouble. I think we all know what’s going on here.” He winks, eliciting a low growl of frustration from Hunter.

“And what’s going on here exactly?” Hunter asks, stepping forward and still blocking my body.

“Well, it seems you and Miss Alison Bailey have gotten to know each other quite well, ain’t that right?” his father asks, his eyes narrowed on his very large and very angry son.

“What’s your point, Ezra?” I snap, trying to break the tension and speed this along so I can get this bastard out of my fucking house.

His eyes moved to mine slowly, and icy glare aimed at my blushed face.

“The point is, I don’t think my son has been completely honest with you, Ali, and I’m here to set the record straight,” he says, making me freeze in my stance as Hunter stiffens before me.

“Isn’t that right, Son?” Ezra says and I see Hunter shake, visibly shake with anger as he stands.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, growling out the words as I stare at everyone in confusion.

“Oh, sure you do! You signed and agreed, remember? Or did little Miss Bailey make you forget so soon? Surely you’ve told her…” Ezra looks at me, smirk and glare still in place as I move past Hunter to stare at everyone, my stomach in knots and my face heated.
