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He dumps the vegetables in a bowl and walks the dishes to the sink, continuing his words with his back turned to me as he washes dishes.

“You’re a businessman, Dante. So act like one. For someone who doesn’t want his emotions tangled in with his business, you’ve done a shit job with this one. You’ve done nothing but fuck with that poor girl since you’ve brought her here. And while I sit back and bite my tongue with most of your business adventures, I refuse to do that with this one.”

I narrow my eyes at him as he grabs a fresh cup of coffee and hands it over to me.

“Emmie is a bright woman, Dante. Filled with potential and compassion. Don’t suck it out of her.”

I take a sip of my coffee, the correct cup of coffee and sit in silence as he gathers more ingredients and begins sifting flour into a bowl. I’m rendered speechless, for the first time in a while. He’s been watching me, us, this entire time. I should’ve known to be better at keeping quiet. I should’ve known not to get close to her to begin with. But when it comes to her, all logic in my brain has become obsolete. All reasonable thought leaves so the overwhelming desire that I feel for her can take its place.

I look at Javier, who is still busying himself with cooking. He’s right, as much as I hate to admit it. He’s right and I have no reason to fight him on that.

“Let me know when dinner is ready.” I grab my cup of coffee and walk out of the kitchen, towards her bedroom.

It’s clean, per usual. Her mother has had no errors when it comes to completing her tasks here. No more incidents in regards to getting fucked up either. For the most part, she stays out of my hair and keeps her head down when she passes me. I find that I can tolerate her the most that way, when her tongue’s bit and her hands are kept to herself and not on my fucking contraband.

I walk to the bed and set the coffee down on the nightstand, my hands resting on the duvet. I bend my head down and run my nose along the fabric, inhaling her lingering scent of flowers and vanilla. I shouldn’t be in here right now. I should be in my office tracking Juan Carlos’s location. I definitely shouldn’t be on this bed, missing a woman that I shouldn’t be missing. I shouldn't even be feeling this in the first place. Especially in regards to the daughter of my sworn enemy.

None of what’s happened has been her fault, but I’ve made it appear that way. I’ve done everything possible to make her despise me, but still she craves me as I do her. Still, she is drawn to me the same way that I’ve been drawn to her. It’s chemical, this attraction between us. It’s a chemical imbalance that has nearly ruined everything for the both of us. More so her rather than me.

I can’t be a secret to someone I’m falling for anymore!

She’s fallen for me, that stupid, stupid girl. She defied all logic and let herself love a monster.


I can’t recall the last time I’ve ever felt that emotion. Perhaps when I was young, maybe in regards to my sister or mother that are still back home. Maybe I felt it last when I held my father’s dead body, his blood seeping through my shirt and staining the skin of my chest forever. Maybe that’s why I’ve refused to ever let that emotion back in. It does nothing but cause turmoil.

I could blame her turmoil on that, on the stupid decision she made to love me. I could blame everything horrible she's felt and endured on that one emotion, but I don’t. The reason that she has faced all that she has is because I couldn’t hold my desire away from her any longer. I couldn’t control my need to be near her at all times.

I get up and walk to her closet, where her green dress hangs on the door. She looked so beautiful last night, like a true goddess. Beguiling and mesmerizing all at once. She’s a witch that’s had me under her spell since the first time I heard her voice. I touch the dress, and the silk fabric rubs against my rough fingertips. It makes me think of the first time that I fucked her. It makes me think of the way her soft skin feels against mine as I peel her underwear from her like the skin of a fruit.

My dick becomes instantly hard and I curse at myself for it. Nothing makes sense when it comes to this woman. I can’t explain this deep hold that she has on me. I know if I am not careful, she has the ability to unman me. To strip down every barrier that I’ve built within myself in order to protect the lives of those I still care for. She has the capability to unravel every secret and lie within me. It’s best that she has chosen to separate herself from me. Otherwise, a whole other world of shit would come barreling down on top of her, shit that she doesn’t need to know exists.

I leave the closet and grab my cup while I make my way out of the bedroom and towards my office. I feel the energy shift as I walk further and further away from her room. She brings a light to this place, a light that this house has never seen before since it’s constantly filled with such darkness. No extravagant party can mask the fact that a million little secrets lie in this castle.

I turn the light of my office on and sit down at my desk, shuffling through the papers that are scattered across it before powering on my computer. It seems the last pinned location that we’ve had on Juan Carlos has not changed. He’s a slow and methodical mover, which is surprising given the fact that the man is fueled by blinding rage. Usually men like him move messily, but he is quiet and smart, the real hindrance in my operation of tracking him.

My phone buzzes on my desk and I see that Sergio is calling. He should be back soon from dropping Emmie off at her dorm.

“What's your ETA, Sergio?”

Silence echoes for a moment on the other end of the line and trepidation fills my senses. Something is not right, and I feel it immediately.

“We’ve got a problem, boss.” His voice is low and I’m already up grabbing my keys and gun from the desk drawer.

“Where’s Emmie?” I ask and then I bolt out of my office and towards my car.
