Page 14 of Her Heart's Desire

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“You don’t have to act like it’s such a far-fetched idea.” She raised her chin a notch. “I have absolute faith in my brother’s integrity.”

He gazed at the obstinate set of her chin. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, she refused to back down. “You haven’t been around for years. How do you know he’s so noble?”

“I just do.” Her militant expression softened. “Did you ask Tad what was going on?”

“And tip my hand?” He shook his head. “Now you see why I tried to get you to leave. You shouldn’t be here, Samantha.”

That wasn’t the only reason. It was unlikely, but things could turn nasty. She didn’t belong in the line of fire. Now that he knew she wasn’t involved, she had to get out.

“Oh, my God.” Her eyes widened. “You’re afraid of trouble, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t say that.” Damn, but she could read him like a book.

“You didn’t have to.”

Her concern, of course, was all for her brother. “It’s a distinct possibility. I want you to leave and keep your mouth shut.”

“No way. I’m not leaving. I’m going to stay and look after my brother’s interests.”

“I’m perfectly capable of looking after your brother.”

Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, her hands on her hips. “Yeah, and help him right into a jail cell. No way am I going to leave him to your tender mercies. I’m staying.”

“I’m not the heartless bastard you take me for.” He brushed a wisp of copper-highlighted hair off her flushed face. “A little time in the slammer just might straighten your brother out.”

She swatted his hand away.

He frowned at the meaningful action and let his hand drop. “I doubt it would go that far. Your father wouldn’t want his son locked up.”

“No, he’d cut him off from the family and the business. Tad’s always been the apple of our father’s eye. He couldn’t stand the isolation. You can’t just throw him to the wolves. If you’re right and he is involved, there must be some mitigating circumstances.”

“Drink, drugs, gambling, a woman. Any one of them could be the catalyst for a man’s downfall. But they’re just excuses. A man has to be fundamentally weak to let them consume him.”

She wrinkled her nose. “From your tone, I can tell you’d never let yourself be that weak.”

He quirked an eyebrow in response to her scathing tone. “Drink, drugs, and gambling aren’t a problem. But a certain woman I know is driving me crazy right now.”

“Very funny.” She frowned at him. “Does my father know what you’re up to?”

“He knows I’m here.”

“He doesn’t know you’re here waiting for Tad, does he?”

“I didn’t see any reason to alarm him.” Hope sprung to life in her sparkling turquoise eyes, and he once more sought to tamp it down. He had enough trouble on his hands without Samantha’s involvement. “He knows Tad is on the short list of suspects, but I didn’t apprise him of the stake out because he had enough on his mind with marrying you off.” He knew he’d hit a nerve when her gaze dropped, and he called himself a ruthless son-of-a-bitch. This dose of cold water was for her own good.

She sighed. “And what did he think about Tad being on the list?”

Jake hesitated, surprised by her rapid recovery. She wouldn’t be diverted so easily. “He doesn’t believe it, either. Says a Logan wouldn’t cheat, especially his golden boy, Tad.”

“He’s right. They’ve always been close. There’s no way Tad would betray him.” She flashed a victorious smile his way. “That should tell you you’re pursuing the wrong man.”

“Possibly. It would be best if you weren’t here when it happens, whichever way it comes down. Now that I know you’re not involved, I need you to go home if you agree to keep your mouth shut.”

She frowned. “So, you thought I was in on the thefts.”

“I wasn’t sure. It was a strange coincidence, you showing up here the other night.”

“You ought to be happy I’m here. If you’re right and Tad shows up, I’m probably the only one he trusts. Face it, Ramsey. You need me.”
