Page 16 of Her Heart's Desire

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She went still for an outraged moment, then slowly her anger melted under his passionate onslaught. She opened her mouth to his demands, slipping her tongue into his mouth and tasting him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she trembled against him.

Suddenly, he set her back on her heels, pushing her away. “There you go, partner. Nice and business-like.”

She blinked at him, shimmering with unsatisfied need. He was up to his old tricks, probably trying to teach her a lesson. “And I don’t want you giving me more love bites.”

He rolled his shoulders. “Look, we can’t be in the same room without fighting or wanting to jump each other's bones. So, why don’t you head back downstairs and go to bed? I can handle things up here.”

He was wrong. She could control herself if she tried, and he needed her help, even if he wasn’t willing to admit it. She didn’t like his attempt to push her away. He wasn’t going to get away with it.

“I can see you’re dead on your feet. How much sleep did you get last night?”

He shrugged. “Not much, between keeping watch and coming down to check on you. I’m getting too old for this stuff.”

“That reminds me.” She crossed the distance between them to place a hand on his arm. “Thank you for covering me with the quilt last night. I would have frozen without it.” She was pleased a startled smile curved the corners of his hard mouth.

“You’re welcome.”

Encouraged by his warm tone, she hurried to say, “You may as well relent and let me help you, Jake, because you’re stuck with me. If we try, we’re both mature enough to control ourselves.”

He shook his head. “Okay. If that’s what you want, have at it. I remember how stubborn you can be. If you’re determined to help, I know there isn’t much chance of me changing your mind.”

She smiled at his grudging tone. “No chance at all.” She glanced at the telescope, focused on the boathouse next to the lake. “What do we do now?”


“What do you mean, wait? Aren’t we going to put our heads together and come up with a plan of investigation? One of us could patrol the grounds while the other does some nosing around on the computer. And, of course, we should come up with code names.”

He shook his head. “Hold it right there, Sunshine. All we’re going to do is sit tight and keep a low profile. Surveillance work tends to be rather dull and tedious.”

She wrinkled her nose. He seemed to be enjoying her disappointment. He was wrong if he thought a little boredom would make her quit.

“It would seem.”

“The only code word we’ll need is a panic code.”

She frowned at his suddenly serious expression. “What do you mean by a panic code?”

“Simple, if you hear me say it, duck. If I hear you say it, I’ll know you need my help fast.”

“I think I resent that. I can handle a crisis just as well as you can.”

“Tough. If you want to play, it’ll be by my rules.”

Gazing at his firm expression, she knew she was beaten. If he wanted to treat her like a weak female, she’d have to go with it for now. “Okay, I get to pick the words?” She glanced out at the gathering clouds. “How about stormy weather?”

He nodded. “It’ll do. If you’re determined to help me, you might as well take first watch.”

She glanced out the window, noting the gathering darkness. “What should I look for?”

“Take a good look around every once in a while. If you see anything out of the ordinary, wake me. I’ve got the buildings wired, so the alarm will go off if anyone enters. I’m going to turn in. Wake me at three, and I’ll relieve you.”

Was it okay to leave her post for a few moments to get her book and a cup of coffee? She heard the clunk of his boots hitting the floor as she turned around to ask him.

Averting her eyes to give him some privacy, she glanced at the laptop and reached for it. Maybe there were some games on it to keep her occupied. “What’s on this?”

“Just some personal notes.” He reached past her to shut down the machine. “Keep your hands off my things.”

Stung by his sharp tone, she turned to frown at him. It was plain that he was still keeping secrets. What did he think she was going to do? Go out and blab his secrets to the bad guys? “Fine, you don’t have to get huffy.”
