Page 45 of Her Heart's Desire

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Jake stopped the van in his slot at Logan Industries and turned to look at her. “Don’t worry about the costume you’re wearing. I think you look kind of cute.”

She slanted him an irritated glance. “You’ve got to be kidding.” She had no choice but to go in like this, seeing that she was only wearing her bra and panties under the costume. He was lucky he’d been wearing street clothes under his baggy costume.

Jake grinned and opened his car door.

She grabbed at his flapping coattails, trying to avert disaster. He looked even wilder than she did with his clown costume, makeup, and big red nose. “Take off your costume,” she shouted as he sprinted around the car to open her door.

“No time.” He smiled as he half-helped, half-tugged her out of the van.

She reluctantly fell into step beside him. Oh well, this was her line of work. If she were to stay in the area, her father would have to get used to seeing her in all sorts of get-ups.

Jake gave her a reassuring smile as he ushered her into the building. “Cheer up, Sunshine. It’s not so bad.”

Their footsteps rang as they walked down the office building’s marble halls. Samantha glanced in askance at the few executives still working. Hopefully, they wouldn’t recognize Jake. It wouldn’t do his formidable reputation any good to be seen as a clown.

Her father’s executive secretary, Eleanor, burst out laughing at the sight of them. “Oh my,” she said, wiping her eyes. “I do apologize, but you startled me. Go on in, Samantha. Your father is expecting you.”

She started to follow Jake into the inner office.

He stopped, turned, and said, “You can stay here and visit with Eleanor if you like. I’ll go speak with your father.”

Samantha knew he was giving her an easy out because of her discomfort, but she couldn’t take it. She’d vowed to stay on top of this mystery until they solved it, and she wasn’t going to give up now.

“No, I’ll go with you.”

“I’ll make some coffee,” Eleanor said with a smile. “It looks like you could both use a cup.”

“Thanks.” Samantha followed Jake into the inner office.

Her father sat at his desk looking at a piece of paper, and Tad occupied a wing chair across from him. One look at her brother’s solemn expression told her the news wasn’t good.

She cleared her throat, and they both looked up. She was buoyed by the twinkle in her father’s eye as he looked at the two of them.

“Well, Jake, I see you’re right in the swing of things,” Samuel stated with a grin.

“Yes, sir. I always knew she’d turn me into a clown someday.”

She shot him a repressive glance, but gave up the battle when he grinned at her. Men, who could understand them? She’d expected her father to be appalled at their appearance, and he gave every impression of being amused. Tad even cracked a smile.

“So, what’s new?”

Tad’s smile vanished. “Jennifer’s gone.”

“I thought I told you not to contact her.” Jake scowled.

“You did.” Tad’s shoulders sagged. “I wanted to make sure she was okay. I dropped by her place. She’s gone. According to her landlord, her apartment’s been empty for a week.”

Samantha gasped. “That’s right before I was attacked.”

Jake stiffened beside her.

Could the high-pitched laugh from her stalker have been a woman’s voice? She’d had the impression the blurry figure in the woods was bigger and male, but fading light could play tricks on a person.

“I know you’re probably wondering if Jenny is involved in attacking you, sis. But she couldn’t be. Jenny isn’t capable of that kind of thing. I think it’s more likely she ran away because she was scared.”

Jake frowned. “I’ll have my staff scour her apartment. They should pick up something about her location.”

“Sounds like a good idea. I already had them start on her office.” Samuel stated with a nod.
