Page 47 of Her Heart's Desire

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Samantha scowled and took a step back. She understood the need for closure, but this invasion was too much. “Hold it right there, buster. If you didn’t notice, I haven’t invited you in, Grayson. I’d like you to go. Now!”

His handsome face showed a flash of cold anger before it resumed its smooth façade. “You said you wanted to talk.” His tone was confident as he leaned forward to kiss her.

She dodged it. “I meant far in the future, and you know it.”

His wounded expression was the last straw. She knew now she’d never had the power to move him. He was probably just worried their split would hurt his standing in her father’s company, and as far as she was concerned, he could stand or fall on his merit. Grayson St. James wasn’t her problem anymore.

Her problem was, thank goodness, busy in the shower.

“I’ve been waiting for you to wash my back, darling.”

Grayson’s jaw dropped as he gazed beyond her. She spun around, already knowing what she would find.

Jake stood in the middle of the living room, naked but for a towel wrapped around his hips. Sunlight glistened on the water droplets on his chest.

“So that’s why you tried to get rid of me,” Grayson hissed.

She was too busy frowning at Jake to pay much attention to Grayson’s accusation. Jake stood resolutely with a dangerous glint in his eye. She’d wait until she got rid of Grayson to deal with him.

She turned back to confront him.

He glared at Jake and took no notice of her. This situation was rapidly spinning out of control. Grayson had no hold on her anymore, and it was high time he accepted that fact. Determined to resume control of the situation, she waved her hand in front of Grayson’s face to draw his attention.

After a moment, he slanted a scornful gaze her way. “Samantha, sleeping with the hired help is so low class!”

Her sense of outrage boiled over as she stalked up to him. How dare he criticize her? “You ought to know. What did you do, sleep your way through Logan Industries? At least I love a man before I sleep with him. I thank my lucky stars I had the good sense not to sleep with you, jerk.”

Grayson’s eyes widened in alarm, and he backed away. He scuttled toward the door and safety.

She caught up with him in the doorway. “Get out of my house!” Reinforcing the demand with a shove over the threshold, she threw the bouquet at him. It felt oh-so-good to toss him out of her house. It was payback for the humiliation he’d put her through.

Grayson went still, the bouquet bouncing off his chest. “Sweetie pie, please don’t be hasty. I’m sorry if I made you mad. It’s just that seeing Ramsey naked in your house made me crazy.”

“Sorry, my ass. And as for crazy, yeah, I think you are.” She shook her head as she watched him try to backpedal. He had a hidden agenda. She realized that now. She wasn’t falling for his apologetic act again. “Tell me what you came here for.”

He hesitated, shifting a nervous glance at the ground. “About my job.”

She sighed as her suspicions were confirmed. She’d always been just a commodity to him on his climb to the top of the corporate ladder. “You can stand or fall on your own merits, Grayson. As Rhett Butler once said, ‘Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.’”

His suave mask melted as he scowled at her. “I don’t know what I saw in you, you spoiled little bitch.” He turned and stalked away.

“Vice versa, believe me!” She slammed the door and then spun around to look at Jake.

He had the pleased expression of a tabby cat with a bowl of cream. “Good work, Sunshine.”

She was irritated by his confident tone. “You are not off the hook just because I threw that jerk out.” She put her hands on her hips. “The stunt you pulled made me look like a fool.”

“No, it didn’t.” He walked back toward the bathroom, then stopped to glance at her from the doorway. “It made you look like a woman who knows to get rid of unwanted males before they get pulverized.” He added sternly, “After I get dressed, we’ll talk about not disabling the alarm to open the door for low-life ex-fiancés.”

“Don’t worry. After the reception we gave him, I doubt Grayson St. James will trouble us again.”

“Samantha, aren’t you ready yet?” Jake called from the living room the following evening.

“I’ll be right there.”

She stood in front of the mirror, putting the finishing touches on her makeup. Her hair swept back in a chignon, and diamond studs glittered in her earlobes. She wore an elegant silver gown. It was the same color as Jake’s eyes, so she’d chosen it. She wanted tonight to be a success for him. He was moving away from his old life, but she had reason to hope his new one contained her.

Jake was pacing the living room. He stopped and gave her an appreciative once-over when she came out of the bedroom. He let out a wolf whistle. “Samantha, you are undoubtedly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
