Page 50 of Her Heart's Desire

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“You’re the best-looking man in the room, handsome.”

A startled smile kicked the edges of his hard mouth.

“What were you doing with Delbert Logan?” He cast a curious look her way.

“I found him wandering the hall, lost. He was looking for the bar. You know Uncle Delbert. He’s got a poor sense of direction.”

Jake’s brow wrinkled. “Wandering the hall? Is he here for the awards ceremony?”

“No. He’s meeting a buyer for a little afterhours fun.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Male or female?”

“He didn’t say, but I’d bet it was female. He’s a born romantic, my Uncle Delbert.”

“What was all the yelling about?”

“I wasn’t yelling at him. I was reiterating the fact that Grayson and I are through. He was playing matchmaker for Grayson and me. He seems to be taking our split personally.”

He frowned. “Do you want me to have a word with him?”

She shook her head. “No, I think he got the message. He meant well, but I’ve finally convinced him to drop it.”

Samantha circulated the ballroom after the awards ceremony by Jake’s side. He’d won in his category, as she’d predicted. It felt good when he’d stayed by her side, wordlessly showing they were a couple. She reveled in the occasional touch of his hand on her arm when he introduced her to friends and colleges. The secret smile he had just for her.

On the ride home, she sat back in her seat and smiled. The evening had been a complete success for Jake and her business. Her client list was sure to grow, and his peers had acknowledged Jake’s accomplishments. Best of all, he’d publicly acknowledged her place in his life.

He parked the car and turned to look at her, his expression softening. “Your hair shines in the moonlight.” He leaned across the seat to capture her mouth with his, his tongue coaxing and demanding a response.

She melted in his embrace. Their love was right, come what may. They’d go back to the rhythm of the magical night at the cabin before things got complicated. They’d return to the way things were before, warm, loving, and passionate.

He broke from the kiss and looked questioningly at her, his hands moving down to skim over her arms. Feeling her tremble, he asked, “Cold?”

“No,” she whispered.

She gazed into his stormy gray eyes, drinking in the heat of his desire. She moved forward, slipping her arms around his neck and tugging his head down to hers for another kiss. “Please don’t stop.”

He smiled. “There’s no power on earth that could stop me, but I think we’d better take this inside before we give your neighbors a free show.”

He tugged her out of the car, stopping to drop a scorching kiss on her lips, then scooped her up and carried her to the steps. He took the key from her, opened the door, and reset the alarm. He held her close as he walked through her apartment to the bedroom. Setting her down next to the bed, he reached behind her to unzip her gown, letting it slide off her shoulders.

She stepped out of the pool of silver fabric and stood unashamedly in front of him, clad only in skimpy silver underwear. She reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and let it slowly slide down her arms.

He sat on the bed, his body tensing. A slow, appreciative smile curved his lips.

She reveled in her strip tease. She let the bra linger over her breasts for a teasing moment before tossing it aside. Then she curled her fingers into the waistband of her matching panties and inched them down, shimmying out of them and kicking them aside.

She stood before him totally and unabashedly naked, and flashed a shameless grin. “See something you like, cowboy?”

He smiled. “One or two things.”

She pouted and playfully reached out to loosen his bow tie. “Is that all?”

Chuckling, he stood and shrugged off his tux jacket. “If pressed, I can think of a few more.” He ripped his shirt off and bent to nibble on her ear, whispering, “I’m crazy about each delectable inch of you, Sunshine.”

She sighed blissfully, his warm breath causing the most scorching sensations to course through her body and curl her toes. Practically purring, she curved closer to him, running her hand through his hair. “You’ve still got too many clothes on.”

While trailing a line of kisses down her throat, he quickly unzipped his pants. Then, he scooped her in his arms and laid her tenderly on the bed. He slid in beside her, swirling his tongue around her nipple.
