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Mena sighed and then dismissed the thought. He was just exaggerating. Yes, that was definitely the case.

“You’d never had s’mores before,” Mena said lightly.

“Awful things.”

“It’s not possible that you seriously dislike them,” Mena said.

Theo wasn’t exactly smiling, but there was a warmth to his expression and Mena was sure he was teasing her, pretending to be grumpy.

She sidled closer to him until her arm nudged his side. “You got chocolate all over your face.”

His eyes lit up, both of them knowing that it was her who had made the mess, her who had gotten melted chocolate all over her face.

“Oh yes,” Theo drawled. “I remember that. You licked me clean.”

Mena stopped, suddenly remembering the words of one of her college friends. She’d called Theo ‘ugly-hot’. At the time Mena had been offended, only hearing her friend call her boyfriend ‘ugly’.

It was true his features did not quite sit together, but he was the hottest man she’d ever met.

The evening they had made s’mores, he’d licked the chocolate from her cheeks and then trailed hot kisses down her neck. He’d banked their fire and then picked her up, carrying her to their bed.

In the morning, he’d got up before her to light a fire in the kitchen stove and brought her breakfast in bed. Mena had beenso happy and relaxed, feeling cherished - but even at the time she’d known there was an expiry date on their relationship. She knew better than to admit falling for him.

“I loved that cabin,” Mena whispered. She wished there had been another chance to go back there. Looking back they had just been out of time. If only they’d got together earlier, spent more time together before college ended and they inevitably went their separate ways.

“You remember the outdoor toilet?” Theo teased.

“It wasn’t that bad.”

“You used to wake me up in the night to go with you.”

“There could have been bears out there!” Mena said, shoving against him. He didn’t budge at all.

That was different, Theo was bigger than he used to be, more muscled. She put a hand up to feel his arm, and through his shirt she could feel the hard bulge and dip of his bicep.

Her hand gripped onto him as she realized that this sort of familiarity was long over between them. She’d lost the right to touch him like this years ago.

“Sorry,” she said, pulling back.

“Don’t apologize.”

Mena paused, her hand still hovering above his arm as she wondered if she should go.

“You used to get that same worried look when you thought you were running late for class.”

“That feels like so long ago,” Mena confessed.

“Not to me.”

It didn’t seem possible that Theo was telling the truth, that he still thought ofher,after all this time.

Mena leaned over and kissed him. She meant it to only be a quick brush of lips, the way she’d say goodbye when they were parting for a few hours in college, with simple casual intimacy.

But the noise he made was one of surprise and yearning. His hand was on the back of her head, holding her in place, as if he still wanted her. She deepened the kiss, letting him taste her, until he pulled her into his lap and her legs instinctively straddled him.

She kissed him until the need for air made her pull back. Mena gasped a quick breath and then kissed him again. She never thought she’d get another chance to do this, and she couldn’t waste this last, unexpected opportunity to touch him.

Theo’s large hands were on her back, making her feel safe and enclosed. It was just like when she’d been younger, but now she knew to cherish the feeling.
