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“Thanks,” she muttered as he cleaned her with far more care than necessary. He patted one of her butt cheeks in silent response.

She woke up with a start, the bedroom light was off and Theo was next to her. Mena could see through the window that it was mostly dark outside, but she could tell it would be light soon.

Mena knew she should sneak out. She did not want to wait around and be told to leave in the morning. That would break her heart.

Next to her, Theo snored softly, still fast asleep. Feeling naughty, she furtively pushed down the bed sheet to get a better look at him.

Clearly, he must have started working out sometime after they broke up. She stroked her hand over his lats, wanting to go lower, but feeling like an intruder. Her hand moved up to one of his nipples. In the darkness, they looked grey.

Theo had once assured her that his nipples weren’t sensitive at all. With that in mind, she gave his closet nipple a gentle pinch.

Above her head there was an amused huff. She leaned her head back knowing she’d been caught groping him.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“Hey,” he answered, copying her soft tone.

“I didn’t mean to wake you up, I was just about to head out.”

Mena felt his muscles tense.

It was very quiet. She couldn’t even hear the traffic she knew was just outside. She was very aware of each of his breaths, each rise and fall of his chest.

“You could stay and continue groping me.”

She tweaked his nipple again.

Theo laughed and then, in a burst of movement, rolled over, grabbing Mena’s wrists and holding her hands above her head.

“Or,” Theo said, his voice still rough from sleep. “You could stay and I’ll grope you.”

His head lowered to her breasts, his lips softly teasing her nipple. Mena gasped, her still tired body going limp under him. “Try the other one?”

Theo’s huff of silent laughter warmed her pebbled nipple and he moved to kiss her other breast.

This time they fucked slowly, with both of them lying on their sides and Theo taking her from behind. His arms wrapped around her, pressing their warm bodies close together, the entire back of Mena’s body pressing against the front of Theo’s when they came together.

The next time Mena woke up next, it was morning and she was alone in the bed. Her clothes were spread out in a mess on the floor, and she hurried to put them on. She had no idea what time it was, and her phone was in her bag downstairs.

She hurried down and had a small freak out when she checked the time on her phone. Her hand was already on the front door when Theo’s voice called out.

“Hey, what’s the rush? Where are you off to? I was making us breakfast.”

Mena let out a bitter laugh. Theo had always been incapable of understanding how normal people lived.

“I’m going to be late for work.”

“I’ll give you a ride.”

“No, I can’t go in like this, I have to go home and change and then go in.”

There was no way she was going to get to the museum in time. She had absolutely no excuse, Lisbet was going to be angry at her or, worse, disappointed in her.

“I’ll have the car here in two minutes. We can go to yours and then on to the museum.”

Theo put his hand on her arm, rubbing her. It was another gesture he used to make and that she’d forgotten about. It used to make her feel like a feral animal that he was attempting to tame.

Resentfully, she also remembered that it did actually work in calming her down.
