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“Is there a problem?” He asked, cocking his head.

“No,” I blurted out, careful not to have him misunderstand. “Thank you for the offer. What’s the best way to contact you?”

“Let me have your cell phone?” He stretched his hand out to me. I pulled my phone out of my bag, unlocked it, and handed it to him. He hurriedly typed in his number and handed it back to me. “That’s my number, you can reach out to me whenever you want. I’ll . . .” he trailed off, squeezing his face as though the next bit of words he wanted to say were hard for him to form, “. . . clear up my schedule.”

“Oh, thank you very much.” I smiled, joy radiating through me. I caught myself halfway through and wore my straight face once again as I stretched out my hand to him. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Beckett.”

“You know you can just call me Ethan,” he said, accepting my hand.

I held back a gasp as I felt his strong hand grasp mine, sending instant waves of shock through me. I counted to three in my mind, giving myself time to cope with this new development before pulling my hand out of his with a fake smile on my face. “I’m sorry but I cannot call you that, Mr. Beckett.”

“What if I say that’s the only way I will give you the extra time you need?” he asked, a devilish glint in his eyes.

“Okay, Ethan. Maybe calling you by first name isn’t such a bad idea,” I blurted, my face getting hotter by the minute. “I should get going now.”

I turned on my heels, needing to remove myself from his presence only to be stopped by his voice.

“It was nice seeing you again, Olivia,” he said, sounding genuine.

My demeanor softened as a real smile settled on my face. “Same here, Ethan.”



Damn it! I did it again!I cursed in my mind as I slumped onto the sofa, my hands rubbing my face wildly.

Why would I offer her more of my time or even suggest clearing up my schedule for her? That wasn't supposed to happen. I hated moving things around on my schedule but I had suggested doing so for her, and without a gun to my head. Why?

I guess it all boiled down to the fact that she was James McKenna’s little sister. So that meant she’s like my little sister too, but hell I definitely didn’t think of her like one.

I mean, what brother thought of kissing his little sister until she was weak in the knees and had no other choice but to fall helplessly into your arms? And what brother thought of such a thing just because he found the way she licked her lips alluring? I bet there’s no brother in the world who’s first thought when he saw his sister was to get aroused.

All of this wasn’t because she was like a little sister. In fact, her being James’s sister was the one reason I shouldn’t even be doing this, but I couldn’t go back on my word now, could I?

Maybe I could stand her up for the first few meetings so she got tired of me and gave up. Now that wouldn’t be fair toher or her career. I couldn’t do that and if James found out, he’d be pissed. So I was tied to my words said in a moment of vulnerability.

Damn, why do I feel this way about her?

I ran a hand through my hair, cursing out loud. “Fuck!” How was I going to get through this? She’s my best friend’s younger sister and I shouldn’t feel this way especially since she’s fifteen years younger than me. If anything, I should find her annoying like every other little sister, not so attracted to her that I immediately fantasized about making love to her, flipping her into several positions that made my blood sizzle with desire.

My mind started to wander and I wondered what it would feel like to kiss her so passionately that she lost her breath, about trailing hot wet kisses all over her body, slowly undoing those tiny little buttons on her blue blouse. I remembered how supple her breasts looked when I caught sight of them during the interview. It was a distraction, so much so it took everything in me not to cut her words off with wild kisses. Damn, I wanted to make love to her breasts, bathing her nipples with my tongue before taking her slowly and wildly at the same time.

I wanted to pull on those silky, dark waves of hers and tear off her clothes before bending her over my desk and fucking her to oblivion. I felt my cock grow harder as my blood pulsed with need. Fuck it! I was doomed. So doomed that I didn't think there was any way around it.

To think I’d still had to spend time with her would be a great inconvenience. I wished things would go back to the time when I had thought of her as nothing more than James’s cute little sister who had a passion for writing, but that wouldn’t be happening.

I couldn’t tell how long I had been sitting there thinking about how to go about this situation and not come outunscathed. It wasn’t until I heard a familiar baritone break through my reverie that I came to.

“Wow! What do we have here? Mr. Ethan Beckett lost in thought!” James said right into my ears.

I jerked up, sitting upright as I felt my heart palpitating.

When did he get here? And how didn't I know he came in? Could he tell I've been fantasizing about his sister?

“What are you doing here?” I stood up, my voice coming out quite shakily as I tried to hide my arousal by dipping my hands into my pants pocket. “Why didn't you knock?”

“I did. Are you okay, Ethan?” James’s eyes studied me. “Are you sick? Do you need a doctor?”
