Page 15 of Chase's Human Mate

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Madison and I pull apart. I see Isaiah and Ash standing with the young man who was almost prey tonight. I nod and pull Madison forward with me, my arm around her waist, “Should we head back to the van?”

“I think it’d be best for us to get out of town.” Ash volunteers.

“So much for a night out,” Isaiah chimes in with an eye roll.

“Uh guys?” The newcomer says timidly.

“What?” The three of us say in unison, Madison does not reply.

“Thanks for saving my ass back there, I’m Drew.”

“Drew, you’re coming with us.” I say with an authority I had not realized I had over him. He looks like he wants to argue but he doesn’t.

Instead, he just nods his head and mumbles, “at least until we’ve put some distance between us and these wayward scientists.”

The van rumbles along on the dark rural roads.

“What were those men after you for anyway?” Madison asks, breaking the silent tension between us all.

With a sigh Drew offers her a half-cocked smile, “It’s because I am so devilishly handsome, they couldn’t seem to take their eyes off me at the bar. I thought it was weird and all, men in lab coats hanging out at a bar, but I’ve seen weirder things.”

“What do you think they were going to do if they were able to get control of you?” she wonders.

“There’s been whispers about shifters going missing because a group of scientist type hunters has been plucking us shifters off of the streets one by one to run wild experiments on.” Drew reveals.

“What kind of experiments?” I say looking at Drew through the rearview mirror.

“Honestly, I am not sure, but it can’t be good.” He deflates in his seat hanging his head down and cupping his cheeks with his hands.

“No, it’s probably not good at all,” Ash adds quietly.

Isaiah is completely passed out, so we’ll have to fill him in later.

“Thanks, by the way,” Drew says to Madison, “For going all commando and initiating my rescue. But you really should be more careful, who knows what those men had in their syringes. Something that could sedate a shifter might well kill a human.”

“He’s right,” I say and Madison shifts awkwardly in her seat but doesn’t say anything.

“Where are we headed?” Drew asks.

“I’m going to drive us through the night.” I state. “There’s a national forest entry point a few hours from here. That will be a good place for us to stop and get some rest. We’ve got camping gear in the back so that we can look the part.”

“Is that what you guys have been up to, moving around and camping?” Drew inquires.

“Hmm, for the most part. We are looking for a place to start over and build a life for ourselves.” I reply.

“So what are you running from?” Drew asks shrewdly.

“I like to think more about where we are going than where we came from.” I suggest.

“I can get down with that,” Drew smiles and closes his eyes leaning his head back against the headrest of the seat. Me too.

Chapter 8


“Madison, I want you in a tent with me that way if anything goes wrong, I can protect you. Isaiah, Ash, and Drew can stay in the bigger tent together. Is that alright with you?” Chase shyly asks me looking directly into my eyes.

A slight smile crosses my lips though my stomach flutters, “It’s alright with me.”
