Page 26 of Out of His League

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Knowing we have eyes on us, I pull Kassidy into my arms and kiss her. Her body is stiff, but as my tongue presses against her closed lips, she relaxes, parting her lips for me. Our tongues duel, and the room fades away. One hand drifts up to tangle in Kassidy’s hair, taking control of the kiss.

“You made your point,” a deep voice says close to my ear. Breaking the kiss but keeping Kassidy tucked into the side of my body, I raise an eyebrow at Callum. A random drunk girl bumps into me, breaking our little stare down.

“Drinks are in the kitchen if you want to follow me,” I respond instead of acknowledging his statement.

Guiding the group through the house, parting bodies like the Red Sea, it takes several minutes to reach the kitchen. The counter along the far wall is littered with liquor bottles of every kind. The kitchen island holds mixers, ice, and cups. Tucked into the corner of the kitchen are two kegs, wrapped in blankets to keep them cold inside the large tubs full of ice.

“What can I get you?” While asking everyone, my focus is on Kassidy, who looks uncomfortable.

Working through the group until everyone has a drink, I give them a tour of the house. It is challenging to get the full effect with so many people crammed in here. As usual, the DJ has the music up so loud it makes hearing conversation difficult.

Callum and Rodney get pulled into a pool game, and immediately, money starts changing hands as people place bets on the winners. Gareth and Ashton flank Kennedy, keeping other guys as far away from her as possible. Kassidy is next to me, her body stiff as a board. Leaning to the side, I almost have to yell into Kassidy’s ear to ensure she hears me.

“I am sorry. It is obvious this isn’t your thing.” My head starts running with ideas on how to make this more comfortable for her but still put up appearances. “Do you want to go up to my room?”

Kassidy’s eyes pop out of her head as I replay my question. Bending down so only she can hear me, I amend my question. “Nothing is expected to happen, but it is quieter up there, and it will help sell our story.”

It takes her a moment to consider my idea and Kassidy chews on her bottom lip as she thinks it over. After a few minutes, she nods in agreement. Stepping over to Kennedy, the girls whisper back and forth. Gareth and Ashton look between the girls and me. Gareth raises an eyebrow in question at me. Kennedy shakes her phone left and right, earning a nod from Kassidy. They hug briefly before Kassidy turns to face me, extending her armout for me to lead the way. Taking her hand so we don’t get separated, we weave through the crowd to the stairs.

Unlocking my bedroom door and flipping on the light, my hand presses against Kassidy’s lower back, guiding her into the room. Closing the door behind us and locking it, the atmosphere in the room becomes tense.

Kassidy and I stare at each other. She spins away from me, taking in the room. My eyes roam, wondering what she is thinking.

Despite what a lot of people assume, while I eat, breathe, and sleep baseball, other than a hat or two, I don’t decorate with that shit. People come in here expecting to see pendants and trophies all over. We aren’t twelve, and this isn’t a fucking sports bar.

“So how…” Kassidy starts saying at the same time I start speaking.

“Kassidy, look…”

Kassidy’s cheeks tint pink as she spins her cup, occupying her hands and refusing to make eye contact.

She giggles as I let out a chuckle.

“Sorry, what were you going to say?” I ask.

“Oh,” Kassidy starts. “I, uh, was just going to ask how your assignments are going.”

Something tells me that isn’t at all what she was going to ask. Not pushing the issue, I answer her.

“Good, no major problems.”

Her head bobs in response.

Clearing my throat, my arm waves toward the bed. “You can have a seat if you want. Do you want to watch television or a movie?” I say, my voice wobbling.

Kassidy sits on the edge of my bed, taking a sip from her cup.

“Kassidy,” I start, running my hands through my hair. My fingers intertwine as I wrap them around the back of my neck.“I, ah, wanted, ah, want-owe…you…an apology,” my jumbled babble makes no sense.

Kassidy stares at me expectantly, her eyes blinking. It’s as if she is expecting more from me. Scrambling to fill the silence, my mind blanks.

Pacing the room, my words refuse to come. Throwing caution to the wind, I sit on the edge of the bed at a slight angle to face Kassidy. Bending my leg and tucking my foot under the opposite knee, I reach out and place a hand on Kassidy’s leg.

“Fuck, let me start over. I’m sorry.”

Turning her head slightly, she raises an eyebrow.

