Page 107 of Player Problems

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“Good enough to keep them safe even if you aren’t ready to tell them what’s going on.”

Words aren’t enough to describe the relief and gratitude I feel towards Beau when he says that. My body sags and I have to close my eyes to try and stop the tears from spilling over again. I’ve cried enough for one night. Given enough of my emotions to this stranger that’s lurking in the shadows. No more. “Okay, let’s do that.” I take a deep breath, opening my eyes to search out Beau’s gaze. “Thank you.”

He nods, but Baylor whispers in my ear. “Told you we’ve got you.” I let him shift me into his lap and fully hold me in his armswithout protest. Somewhere along the way, Baylor has started to feel like my safe space. I lost the bubble Isla and I had created in our apartment, but I gained something that might be so much more.

“Could we also get someone to stick to Torryn?” Xander asks, rubbing the back of his neck in an awkward tone that doesn’t fit his usual personality.

“Tired of babysitting?” I taunt.

He drops his hand, giving me an unamused look back that isn’t fooling anyone. “Actually, I heard back from the committee about the exception I filed. I wasn’t supposed to be able to play for the entirety of this season, but they voted in my favor. After winter break, I’ll officially be a Wolf and able to play on the ice.”

“Oh shit.” Baylor stands up, almost knocking me off his lap before lifting me to stand with him. “Congrats, dude. Fuck knows we could use you on the ice.”

I never got the full story as to why Xander spent more time here than at his own university or what happened to get him kicked off the team. But I knew there was a story there based on how cagey he always was about it. Even the other guys would change the conversation any time it came up. I’m not one to pry, but I can’t say I’m not curious.

Beau gives him one of those dude hugs, slapping his hand on his back giving him his own congratulations. “It’ll be nice to have you behind the blue line with me. Eh?”

Xander smacks him back, taunting, “You do need the help.'‘

As everyone else takes their turn to congratulate Xander, we all settle back down. The atmosphere a lot lighter than it was before. “I have no problem sticking to Tor’s side until we go on break,” he says. We only have a couple more weeks until then. “But after that, I’ll be with you guys for practices and games, leaving her vulnerable for a good chunk of time.”

I hate that his good news has to be marred by the ugliness of the truth. Even if it goes against my nature, I’m the only one that can make this easier on everyone. “You can call the hockey team off,” I sigh. “I’ll take the security if this isn’t sorted by winter break.” At this point, I don’t have much hope in it being sorted at all, let alone with only a couple weeks to go.

Baylor’s hands slide under my shirt in a comforting gesture that feels a little bit like he’s praising me for giving in.

Xander sighs and I know he was worried I wouldn’t accept a stranger following me around, but at this point I think I would do anything to make the situation more bearable for all of us. “Okay good. I can stick around for most of the time until break then. But I will have to go home and grab the rest of my stuff, and I have to find a place to live here. Tate’s couch is getting a little old.”

“Why don’t you just move in here?” James asks.

“Are you moving out before break?” Baylor asks, swinging his head in James’ direction so fast, I have to readjust the way I’m sitting.

James scoffs, “I wouldn’t tell you this way.” He points to me, “He can have Torryn’s room.”

The room is silent as everyone exchanges glances. “I thought you were going to say the apartment,” I say, confused as to why my room is up for grabs.

Xanders snorts. “I don’t want your stalker apartment.”

Wells nods his head in agreement. “No-one wants your stalker apartment.”

Okay, kind of rude. “Then why is my room the one up for grabs?”

Baylor nods his agreement. “You guys just asked them to move in officially and you’re kicking Tor out? The fuck?” At least he has my back.

“Just move her into your room, obviously,” James retorts.


Instead of arguing though, Baylor seems to give it some thought. “Oh. Okay then.”

I turn to give him an incredulous look. What the actual fuck is happening? “Not okay then,” I disagree. “That’s a weird thing to suggest,” I argue. It was one thing for Isla to move into Wells’ room, they’re an actual couple. Baylor and I are not.

“Your argument would hold more validity if you weren’t snuggled into his lap,” Beau snarks.

“Or if you didn’t sleep together every night anyways,” Isla adds. I give her a shocked expression at the betrayal, but she just shrugs, giving a helpless look.

“Or if you didn’t spend every free second together.” Now even Xander is getting in on this? Are you kidding me?

“Do we even need to bring up the whole getting cats together thing?” Wells asks.
