Page 111 of Player Problems

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Before the game even ended I was squirming in my seat, but I’m so glad I didn’t miss Baylor’s last goal of the game. They were phenomenal, and it was one of the most incredible crowds I had ever been a part of. I didn’t want to miss a second of him on the ice.

Now, as we walk past the restrooms and I see the long ass lines, I’m questioning if it was worth it. We have a whole little crew with Colby, Emery, Isla, and the lucky duck, Xander himself. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with four pretty girls?

The entirety of the game I teased him about it, and he may actually be considering calling my stalker up himself to hand deliver me to him.

I keep hoping that the closer we get to the locker room, the lines for the restrooms we pass will grow smaller, but they seem to only be getting longer. “Fuck my life,” I mutter. “Did everyone and their mother come to this game? Why are there so manypeople here? Shouldn’t they be at home celebrating with their families?”

Xander gives me a droll look. “You’re bitter.”

“I have to pee.” And to my shame, it comes out a little bit like a whine. At least Colby is a sweetheart and pats my arm.

“I can wait in line with you while they go meet the team?”

She’s so goddamn cute. I almost don’t understand how she and Wilder are even friends. I just want to wrap her up and stick her in my pocket.

“No,” Xander barks, and Colby’s smile falls. I glare at him and Emery smacks his arm. At least he has the grace to look guilty.

I don’t know how much Colby actually knows about the whole stalker situation, but I don’t think much if she was offering to be my bodyguard. I don’t know how much damage she could really do, though those heels on her glittery cowboy boots probably do pack quite a punch. Could probably break some toes if she stomped hard enough. “It’s not you,” I soothe Colby. “Xander just has attachment issues.”

Emery laughs and Xander glares at the both of us. “Baylor will kick my ass if I leave you when there are so many people around.”

Isla cocks her head to the side. “Isn’t it better that there are so many people around? Less chance of anything happening.”

He raises a brow in her direction. “You want to risk it?”

That shuts her up. Of course it does. “I’ll just hold it,” I grumble. I really should have fucking gone before the third period. Won’t make that mistake again.

There’s already a crowd of family and friends waiting outside the doors that lead into the locker rooms. I sigh as we lean against the wall and wait for our hockey idiots. Hopefully they don’t take forever tonight.

“Okay, what the fuck?” I exclaim a few minutes later, making everyone chuckle. Hockey players have started drifting out of the locker room but not a single one of our idiots. What is the hold up?

Xander looks a little too smug as he watches me shift uncomfortably. “Never seen you so impatient,” he taunts.

“They are taking longer than usual,” Isla defends. We all look up when the door opens again but it’s only Wilder and Zac.

When they start walking towards us, Xander shifts away from Emery, nodding to the freshmen as they get close. “Where are the others?” he asks, but I stare at him curiously.

“Tate will only be another couple minutes,” Zac explains. Makes sense. Baylor has told me he always talks to every player before he starts getting undressed himself. He’s usually one of the last ones out.

“The other four were just hitting the showers,” Wilder adds.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I snap. A little too harshly, I can admit.

Wilder rears back, a shocked expression on his face, but everyone else laughs. Assholes. I huff, feeling a little bad that I took out my frustration on him. Not enough to apologize, but enough to explain. “I have to pee.”

Wilder and Zac trade looks before looking around the area that’s only gotten more full while we’ve waited. “Just sneak into the locker room,” Wilder says. “There are toilets like the second or third door on the right.” Xander and Zac give him an incredulous look. “What?” he defends. “The showers and hockey lockers are on the left and almost everyone is out here anyway. Coach is probably in his office. If she’s quick, no one will even see her.”

My bladder screams at me. “Yeah, I’m doing that.”

Xander curses my name but I wave him off. “Oh fuck off. I’ll probably bump into Baylor in there anyways. I’m not technically alone.”

“I should still go with you,” he argues. While we argue, I almost miss Wilder, Zac, and Colby saying their goodbyes and heading off.

I watch as they walk away, idiots, then look pointedly at Emery and Isla. The possibility of something happening to them out here alone is higher than me in the locker room where Baylor and the others are.

“Oh fucking hell,” Xander curses. “Where did that shithead go?” he asks, looking around for Zac.

Emery blinks innocently, shrugging. “His brother senses were probably tingling,” she jokes. “He knew you were about to pass babysitting duties off to him and took off before you had the chance too.”
