Page 119 of Player Problems

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She mumbles something but it’s lost as I increase the pace. Her words become a jumbled mess of broken praises and encouragements, but each one makes me just a little more wild for her. Her tits sway with her movement as she lifts her hips tomeet me thrust for thrust. “That’s my girl,” I moan. “You take me so fucking good.”

Her head tilts back and her back arches as she begs for more. God she’s fucking perfect. “I’m so close, B.” My alarm begins to go off, reminding us that we need to be getting ready to leave, but Torryn’s nails dig into my biceps, her voice rising as she tells me to ignore it.

I hum in response, feeling my own climax getting closer as pleasure races down my spine. I press my thumb against her clit, rubbing circles until she cries out my name and her cunt soaks my cock while she pulses around me.

“Oh fuck, Tor, I love you,” I groan as I come. She laughs under me, but joke’s on her, it only makes me feel that much better while I’m still buried inside her.

She opens her mouth to tease me but the door bursting open behind us cuts her off. A high-pitched screech that can only be described as deafening fills the room before we have a chance to react. “Ah, why is your ass so fucking white?”

I lower Torryn’s leg, still catching my breath when I turn around to find Xander standing shirtless in the open doorway with his hand over his eyes. I sigh, pulling out of Torryn and disposing of the condom as she climbs out of bed.

“Stop being so dramatic,” she taunts, reaching for one of my shirts. “What do you want?”

Xander must assume that her asking was giving him the okay to uncover his eyes. He screams again, “Clothes, Tor! Fucking hell.”

I snicker behind them, pulling on a pair of jeans. “That was your fault,” I tell him, making him glare my way.

“Don’t you care that I can now picture your girlfriend naked?”

I shrug, but Torryn rolls her eyes, putting the shirt on. It hits her mid-thigh, plenty of coverage for our delicate roommate. “You should learn to knock if you care so much.”

“What she said,” I agree, pointing to her. “But really, what’s up?”

His face slightly pales as he breaks eye contact, running his hand over his thigh. “Right,” he sighs. “Tor, there’s a cop here, asking to speak with you.”

Shutters fall over her eyes as she gives him a clipped nod. All of the laughter and pleasure that was in the room only moments ago disappearing. “We’ll be down in a sec.” Fuck. Just when we were finally having a good day. There wasn’t supposed to be anything to ruin it.

I’m already handing her a pair of shorts to throw on under the shirt to go see what it is they want. Torryn has had to give countless interviews and answer a million questions about everything that happened with her father after the bastard pleaded not guilty.

She won’t really talk about it, her worries and fears about having to face him again. About the possibility of having to get on the stand and tell her story. But she doesn’t have to. I can see the way it weighs on her. The nightmares she has after every new step to the never-ending process. We both started therapy after everything happened, and it’s helped me realize that sometimes talking about something can make you feel better, but it can also make it worse. We have to relive that horrible fucking day over and over and over again every time someone comes here to ask more questions. To gather more evidence.

I throw my arm over her shoulders and pull her into my side. “No matter what, I’ve got you.” She nods, leaning into me and letting me lead her down to the living room where a familiar face waits for us.

Her body eases the moment she sees that the cop is one of her regulars, Officer Derek, but she doesn’t pull away from me, even as she greets him. He gives a tight smile and a nod to both of us, his eyes staying respectfully above Tor’s shoulders.

“We got some news today,” he explains, running his hand over his thinning hair. Torryn tenses but Officer Derek pushes forward. “I wanted to be the one to come and tell you.” He takes a deep breath and I can feel Torryn holding her breath at my side. “William Myers received a fatal injury during an altercation with another inmate early this morning.” I inhale sharply. Does this mean what I think it means? He focuses on Torryn. “He’s dead, Torryn. He’s gone.” He says each word slowly, making sure she hears it. She’s a statue at my side and I can almost feel her mind reeling. Officer Derek smiles. “You’re free, kid. No trial, no more discovery process, no more testimony. It’s finally done. You’re safe now.”

Tor’s body begins to tremble and I pull her into my arms as the first tear falls. Months of stress and fear bleed out of her body as she wraps her arms around my waist and squeezes tightly. Another tear slips free as she begins to laugh. A fully-bodied, belly laugh even as more tears pour. Her blue eyes look up at me, shining with so many emotions. “It’s really over,” she whispers.

“It is, baby,” I promise her, kissing her forehead.

Officer Derek smiles. “I have one more thing for you, kid. The rest of the stuff will be released from evidence but I was able to grab this for you early.” He holds out a bag I hadn't noticed at first. Torryn takes it and when she opens it, more tears fill her eyes.

“Thank you,” she whispers, lifting out an ornate white ceramic jewelry box. I take it from her so she’s able to open it and run her fingers over all the pieces still in there. Each one a connection to her mother. She lifts up a latch and I see threeenvelopes with each of the kids’ names scrawled in a pretty cursive. “Thank you so much, Derek,” she repeats. I lean over, kissing the tears from her cheeks as she closes the jewelry box and sets it down, taking a deep breath.

“He had it in his apartment. I’m glad we could get it returned to you, Tor.” He nods and we both thank him before showing him the way out. He gives Torryn a hug before saying goodbye and taking his leave. After the door closes, we spend several moments just beaming at each other. I gently wipe the tears from her cheeks. Never did I think I would be so goddamn relieved and fucking happy to hear about someone dying. But it’s finally over.

We can close this chapter of our lives and turn the page to find what’s next.

“You can come out now,” Torryn says, not even trying to hide her smile.

Of course all of our nosy friends were within hearing distance to figure out what the latest news was. Isla’s face is just as tear-stained as Torryn’s and I step back as the two women embrace each other. Isla begins to sob in her relief and Torryn chuckles, rubbing her back.

“We’re fucking celebrating tonight,” Beau exclaims and everyone cheers their agreement. Each of my friends taking a second to hug and whisper something to Torryn. Each moment makes the sensation in my chest grow a little warmer, a little stronger.

Wells releases Torryn and then looks down at what she’s wearing, before flicking his gaze to my attire. “You two,” he sighs, shaking his head and pressing his fingers to his temples. “We’re going to be late.”

Isla giggles as Xander tattles on us. “They were fucking when I went in there.”
