Page 24 of Player Problems

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A familiar and addictive hum charges through my body as the first play of the game almost repeats itself. The game slows in my mind as Wells’ stick lifts off the ice as a Bulldog faces off with him. The puck flies in my direction as Wells is once again slammed against the boards. The moment I take control of the puck, I know this play will be different. Know the goalie won’t be able to match our speed. He’s expecting me to take the open shot, to once again be able to slap it away from his net. The rest of the Bulldogs may still be on summer vacation, but their goalie showed up to fucking play. He’s been a force in the net.

Not this time.



Ihold my breath, Isla still wincing at my side after the hit Wells just took. The whole board surrounding the rink shook with the force of the hit.

Baylor carries the puck with ease, faster than I can really process as my mind is still latched onto Wells’ hit and Isla at my side. The arena swells with expectation, a growing bubble of anticipation as the puck travels faster than my eyes can track towards the opposing net. The goalie drops, bending his knees in so the large pads on his legs cover the bottom of the net, his entire focus on Baylor. The small black puck is hard to see as fast as Baylor moves with it, lifting his stick back, my teeth sink into my lower lip as I wait for him to take the shot. The other goalie tenses.

I should really learn the other team’s name.

Isla grips my hand tighter as Baylor lines up his shot and his stick slaps against the puck. I lose sight of it, the goalie tenses but doesn’t react.

I exhale, confused at the lack of a buzzer, the players still moving with frightening speed. Where did the puck go?

Number sixteen, should probably learn his name too, lifts his stick and I realize Baylor didn’t take a shot at all. He passed,distracted the goalie just enough for sixteen to have the perfect shot at the high left corner of the net. He takes the shot and the puck hits the back of the net with force. The horn I expected to hear moments before finally sounds and the crowd collectively relaxes, before jumping to their feet and cheering for the Wolves.

“Was not expecting the game to be so fast paced,” I admit, still feeling breathless from the intensity of the play. My eyes still can barely track the players as they fly across the ice, ramming into each other, and chasing the smallest target. I have a newfound respect for the game.

“It’s not your first hockey game,” Isla says.

Shrugging, I take another sip of my drink. “Guess I never really paid attention before.”

Sixteen, Wells, and Baylor come off the ice as three others take their places. I cock my head as the game continues without hesitation. “Why are they already switching? Didn’t they just come on?” I have only a vague idea of how hockey lines and substitutions work, but this seems awfully quick to be changing them.

Isla nods. She’s not much more of a hockey expert than I am, but at least she has Wells to fill her in. “Wells said he wouldn't play as much tonight because it’s a chance for the younger players to get good ice time. Test their mettle and all that.” She waves her hand dismissively and we continue to watch the game. It moves fast, the three periods disappearing a lot faster than the time on my phone says. I can’t believe it’s been almost three hours.

The consistent changing of players, the fast plays, and near constant back and forth of the puck in the rink really made the time fly. Made it next to impossible to tear my eyes away from the game. The few games I’ve been to before have never been like this and this wasn’t even one that really counted. I wonder whatthe energy is like in here during the playoffs. Or a championship. I bet it’s insanity.

“You must be a proud girlfriend after that win,” I tease Isla as we grab our stuff and head up the stairs to the exit.

She blushes, her cute side coming out. It happens a lot with Wells but had been ages since I’d seen it before he was in the picture. “I’m always a proud girlfriend,” she stammers, making my grin grow wider.

“He scored two of the four points for the Wolves.”

Her head bobs, but she can’t hide her grin from me. “He was pretty amazing out there, wasn’t he?”

“Very cool,” I tease.

She smacks me. “Are you coming with me to meet them by the lockers?”

I hesitate, not liking the idea of her waiting for Wells alone, but also knowing I need to get a move on it if I’m going to make it to work on time. I check the time again and bite my lip. “Where are you meeting him?”

She checks the time and frowns. “Tor, you have to go.”

The downfalls of having a best friend who actually keeps up with your schedule. “Where are you meeting him?” I repeat.

She sighs. “I’ll be fine. Some of the other guys’ girlfriends will be waiting for them too. I won’t be alone.”

We stop near the exit and I rock on my feet. “I don’t like it. I’ll walk you there and make sure you aren’t alone.”

She stomps her foot. “I’m not a child.”

I arch a brow. Her little display says otherwise. I hook my arm around hers and start dragging. “I’ve made up my mind. Better tell me where to head or I’ll drag you around in circles.”

Isla caves, knowing it’s the only thing that’ll get me out of here faster. I won’t wait for Wells, just make sure she’s in good hands before I take off. “The locker room is this way.” Following her lead, we head around a bend and down some stairs. Itdoesn’t take long to see a small crowd of people waiting by doors that must lead to the locker room. There are students, but also adults that must be family members. My eyes run over the group. Isla will be safe here. At least I’m not ditching her in the dark corner of a parking lot or something.
