Page 31 of Player Problems

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She gives us both a speculative look. “You guys have catnip in your pockets or something?” Baylor laughs but waves me off when I give him a perplexed look. Another cat comes over, walking between Baylor and I. He frees one hand and the black cat immediately hisses at the newcomer, her dark fur standing on end. Yeah, that’s more like the cat Jules was describing. Not that it fazes Baylor in the slightest as he hushes the anxious cat in his lap and kisses her head. She slowly calms down as he keeps his attention on her. What a needy little thing. She may not like a lot of people, but when she chooses her person, she sure is fierce.

The tabby that came over is quick to turn away from Baylor and this feisty little miss, trying her luck with me. I reach my hand out to pet her and Jules smiles. “Potato is fine with other cats,” she encourages, but as soon as the tabby is in range, Potato smacks her in the face with his paw, batting her away from my leg. I lift the little kitten away from his prey and Jules clicks her tongue. “Well, he’s usually not quite so possessive,” she corrects.

Baylor and I end up tucking ourselves and our little hellions in a corner. A few other cats try their luck, but both of the kittens are persistent with their need for our full, undivided attention. Minutes turn into hours as Baylor and I start to talk mindlessly. He explains more of the ins and outs of hockey to me and I admit to him how much fun Isla and I had at the game. He asks me about tutoring and I admit that I enjoy it, but wouldn’t want to teach full time. That conversation leads to what we both would like to do one day. His answer is of course the NHL, but he also admits he’s getting his bachelor’s in sports science as a backup and won’t enter the draft until he gets his degree per his mom’s request. I tell him I just decided on my major and am thinking about becoming a financial analyst. He had no idea what they did and once I explained to him, he grinned and said he’d trust me with all his money once he made it big. His unwavering trust, though hypothetical, made heat rush to my cheeks and I had to turn away from him so he wouldn’t notice.

The whole time our cats sleep or play peacefully in our laps like it’s the most natural thing in the world. The worry lines that marred his face earlier today are no longer there creating the tension that made me offer to hang out with him. The weight that obviously was heavy on his shoulders has dissipated thanks to the furry little creatures and especially his little black bundle that refuses to leave his side. She has the cutest little white paws that she lets me pet as long as she stays with Baylor. We tried to switch at one point and neither kitten was having it, makingus both smile as we passed them back. Soon enough I realize we moved past small talk and left pillow talk somewhere in the distant past. He studies my expression and his features soften. “I think this means we’re officially friends now, Torryn Gray.”

I huff, but I can’t deny it. There aren’t many people I can sit and just talk to for hours. The conveniently cute distractions aside. “I guess we are, Baylor Levine.”

He drops his voice to a gruff whisper. “I still get to fuck you, right?”

I snort. “I sure hope so.”

He beams and the moment swells with something unfamiliar. Something that makes it feel okay to ask. “Still not asking,” I whisper, nuzzling Potato in an attempt to avoid meeting Baylor’s eyes. “But are you feeling better?”

“Yeah,” he admits, the corners of his lips lifting so slightly, I couldn’t even really call it a smile. “I feel like maybe I wouldn’t mind you asking after all.”

I hesitate, trying to read the emotions in his eyes. “Do you want me to ask?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know if I have an answer, but the idea of you asking is no longer sending me into a panic.”

“Well, that’s something,” I say with a slight laugh and he beams at me.

His hand squeezes my knee and his kitten meows, but doesn’t hiss. We’ve learned she’s okay with him giving me attention, as long as he doesn’t also stop petting her. After being so independent it’s cute how attached she already is. “It’s not nothing.”

I kiss Potato’s soft head. “It’s not,” I agree. “I’m probably not the best person to talk to, but I’m here.” The moment feels heavy, uncomfortable. “We are friends after all,” I tease, shattering it before it has the chance to grow into anything.

Baylor chuckles, clearly not offended, if he even noticed my tension. “Have you ever not understood why you felt what you were feeling? Like you logically understand what happened and how easy it would be to just put it behind you, but for some reason it hangs around you like a bad stench.”

I scoff at the imagery. “Not a very pretty metaphor, but I get it.” I chew on my lip, taking a piece of my hair to play with Potato. “I’m not an expert or anything, but I guess I would say when it’s happened to me or Isla, it’s always because there’s some part of it we aren’t accepting or actually understanding.”

He studies me carefully and I can practically see the thoughts racing behind his eyes. “So you think I’m missing something?”

I shrug, pulling my knees to my chest and resting Potato atop them. He meows, probably annoyed with how much I keep moving him. “Maybe you need to look at whatever is plaguing you in a different light.”

He stays silent for a few moments and I focus on Potato, tracing the large orange spots that take up most of his back and half his head. “I don’t know how to look at it differently, but I’ll try.” Baylor takes a deep breath, maybe about to tell me more but suddenly stops as Jules comes back into our corner, a knowing gleam in her eye.

“I hate to ruin this cuddle fest,” she teases, “but we are getting ready to close.”

Immediately, I clutch Potato to my chest. I’m not ready to say goodbye and leave him behind. What if he isn’t here the next time I come back? I’m not even sure when I’ll be able to make time to come hang out like this again. I’m going to have to pull more than a couple long nights to catch up on the hours I wasted today.

Jules attempts to smother a snicker. Unsuccessfully. A quick glance and I see Baylor mimicking my stricken expression as he holds the little black hellcat. “I had a feeling we may not be readyto say goodbye, so I brought some information on our adoption options. We do have a foster to adopt option, if you want to take the kittens home with you for a couple weeks to make sure you’re compatible.”

“Of course we are,” Baylor declares.

I arch a brow. “Are you adopting her?”

He scrunches his nose. “Are you adopting the little spud?”

My eyes narrow even as tears prickle the back of my eyes at the thought of leaving him behind but… “I’m out of the apartment a lot.”

Jules scratches his head. “Cats are very independent. They aren’t as needy as dogs. As long as they have food, water, and a litter box, they’ll be okay alone. Though these two will definitely be expecting all the cuddles when you are home apparently.”

Baylor and I trade looks. Neither one of us walked in here with the intention of spending half the day here or walking out with a new responsibility. A new mouth to feed.

“I want her,” he sighs.

“I want him,” I agree, a note of whining in my tone. Jules laughs patting us both on the shoulder and hands us a tablet to share.
