Page 4 of Player Problems

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Oh, that’s right. That’s how we got onto this topic anyway. At least he left the theories I can see churning in his brain out of it.

Isla’s laughter rings throughout the room, making everyone smile, even her quiet counterpart. “Uh, yeah. No more bush escapades or anything else that comes with dating for me,” Torryn answers, nudging Isla’s shoulder with her knee.

Wells rolls his eyes. “Most relationships don’t end up with you ass up in a bush.”

“Wasn’t ass up,” she defends, brow raised. “I had the scratches to prove it was most definitely ass first.”

I chuckle at the picture that creates. I study her, my eyes lingering over the tight black top and ripped black jeans thatshow off more skin than they cover, her dark hair piled on her head, with sparkling blue eyes and an amused, almost jaded smirk. Everything about her spells trouble. She waves her hand at him. “Either way, Jack was right about one thing, I am far too busy.”

Beau shakes his head at her. “Not too busy to get more ass than anyone I know.” He pauses as his eyes flick to me. “Well, more than almost anyone I know.”

I puff up my chest and wink in their direction. “Proud to defend my title of biggest hoe on campus.”

Wells snorts, “Of course you’d be proud of that.”

Torryn grabs the bottle of tequila off the table we’re all sitting around and lifts it to her lips, sipping on it like it’s nothing but water. A shiver races down my spine. “I can always make time for orgasms,” she says, and that word passing her full lips just before they wrap around the bottle, has me growing hard. I’ll have to remember to thank Wells for making us come to this party tonight. It’s not our usual scene but fuck if it’s starting to pay off. “At least they’re worth it,” she continues.

Protests come from every direction, defending the charms of dating. All but Isla who just stares at her best friend with a look of understanding on her face. A smile of amusement.

I roll my eyes as I get to my feet. I’ve heard of Torryn’s reputation, she’s almost as notorious as I am. She’s not a girl that wants flowers and romance. She wants to be fucked and then for you to fuck off. She owns that rep. Just like she should. No matter what any judgemental ass has to say. I flip our friends off. “Let the hoes live our hoe lifestyle in peace. You guys can have your happily ever afters, we just want our happy endings.” I smirk and everyone cracks up.

Wells rolls his eyes. “You’d know all about happy endings,” he taunts.

Isla’s eyes sparkle as she watches him talk. Oh yeah, there’s something there alright. She’s a pretty girl, the light and airy to her best friend’s dark and broody. No, not broody. She just can’t be fucked to care. An attitude I can respect.

Isla’s eyes flick in my direction, a mischievous smirk replacing the soft smile she’s been wearing. “It’s a wonder the two of you have never hooked up with how much you’ve gotten around.” I raise a brow, maybe she’s not as shy as I thought at first glance. That’s a challenge if I’ve heard one.

Torryn is already eyeing me up and down, an appreciative gleam in her eye. I stand up straighter, puffing my chest out as I wink at her, a slow smirk spreading across my face. “Maybe it’s time we see if you live up to all the hype,” she drawls.

Apparently, she’s not the only one with a reputation.

She lifts the bottle of tequila to me in offering and my pulse races. “How did you know tequila is my favorite?”

Isla whoops and I may have misjudged her before tonight. She’s not nearly as quiet or demure as I thought she was. As I start to walk towards her to accept the bottle of tequila, Isla rises to her knees. The room holds its breath, or maybe that’s just me, as she swipes the salt and a lime off the table. I watch in rapture as she leans over where her best friend still sits. Torryn meets her halfway, tilting her head to the side. It doesn’t click together until Isla swipes her tongue over Torryn’s exposed cleavage.

I’m not the only one growing hard now. The groans around the room are testament enough to that.

Isla leans back and Torryn’s eyes light up in challenge as she stares me down while Isla tips the salt over to stick to the wet trail her tongue left on Torryn’s skin. Fuck me, that’s hot.

I reach out and grab the bottle from her outstretched hand just as Isla slips the lime slice in those full lips that have been taunting me all night. I can just imagine how good they’re going to feel wrapped around me.

My friends need to take lessons from this girl. This is how to be a wingman. She’s got it down to a fucking art.

Torryn stays sitting in her chair and Isla falls back to her position on the floor where she’s been sitting. I step between her legs, pushing them wider to accommodate my size. She leans back, pushing her chest out and my gaze locks on the salt sparkling over her tits. Fuck, she looks good.

I follow her lead, invading her space, wiping up the salt with my tongue before lifting the tequila to my mouth and swallowing down several gulps before taking the lime from her mouth with mine. Our lips brush, and the tease isn’t enough.

I suck on the lime before spitting it out quickly, stealing a kiss from her.

Salt, tequila, lime, Torryn.

The only proper way to take a shot.



The feeling of his lips pressed against mine lingers like the tequila on my tongue.
