Page 40 of Player Problems

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“What?” Isla snaps. “Why?”

Shuffling and murmured conversations are all I hear for several drawn out moments before Tor exclaims she’s found it. “It should still be in here,” she murmurs, more to herself than either Isla or me. “Hah! Got it. Okay, let’s see.”

“What is it?” I ask, unable to hold back any longer. “I can’t see you assholes. Well, not you Isla. You’re not an asshole.”

“Ha ha,” Torryn retorts. “It’s another note. It was left on my car–uh, maybe a couple weeks ago now? I can’t remember when. But I never read it, just threw it in my bag and forgot about it.”

“Well, what does it say?” I demand.

Isla hushes me and Torryn curses. “Fuck, I think my water spilled on it or something. Hold on.” The two continue to bicker and I debate just going over to their place to see this note for my fucking self.

“Ow, Isla!” Torryn snaps. “Knock it off, I’m trying.” The phone is jostled and I groan as nothing but muffled sounds filter through the speaker. “Okay, okay. I can make out some of the words,” Torryn finally says. “That’s definitely my name. Something about being raised and that might say good?”

“I think that part says girl. Good girl?” Isla asks.

“Is he telling you to be a good girl?” I ask, wishing I could see it. “Send me a picture.”

She sighs but only a few moments later I get the image on my phone. As soon as I open it I recognize why they were spending so much time bickering. The ink on the page has bled together, making it nearly impossible to distinguish words clearly.

“I agree with Isla, I think it’s something about being a good girl.”

Torryn gags on her end of the line. Isla huffs her agreement before continuing. “It looks like maybe this part was bulletpoints.” I can’t see where she’s pointing, but looking at the note I can see lines that are indented. Maybe we should have just Facetimed.

I can make out an r clearly and the following letters are a little harder, but… “Do you think they were rules?”

Torryn clicks her tongue and I can tell she’s considering it. “This here looks like it might say consequences.”

“Rules and consequences?” I ask.

“I think so,” Isla agrees. “Can you make out any of the rules?”

We spend some time debating, trying to decode the blotches on crinkled paper, but the only words we were confident in that could be potentially helpful were slut, men, presents, bar, clothes, and secret.

“Do you think he saw me leaving your apartment with the flowers?” I ask when neither Tor nor Isla say anything else.

“Why do you think that?” Isla asks.

Torryn answers before I have the chance to. “If this part says presents, it might be about the fact I didn’t keep what he sent me. Could be what set him off to leave the rules.”

“So you broke another rule and that’s why he trashed your car?” Isla asks.

Torryn’s responding chuckle is dry and caustic, grating over my nerves and making me even more anxious. “We aren’t even certain of what the rules are, but I am quite positive I’ve broken a few.”

“Pick me up in the morning and we’ll take both notes to that cop in the morning.”

She argues that she can go by herself or with Isla, but I don’t like it. Can’t agree to it. “Not when we know he has to have eyes on you in order to know you’ve broken his rules.”

She sighs again and Isla murmurs something to her softly that I can’t hear. Eventually Tor huffs her agreement and tells me she will see me in the morning, but still adds, “It’s probablyjust a prank you know? Pissed off some psycho at the bar. They’ve gotten their kicks now. I’m sure we won’t hear from them again.”

I wish I could have the same attitude as her about it, but no matter how blasé she is, I’m worried for her.

My phone vibrates in my pocket as Wells hands me a plate piled high with spaghetti and meatballs. I nod my thanks, smirking as I pull out my phone and see I was right about who was texting me.

The last week flew by. After the drama with Torryn’s car and having to take both of the notes to the cops and having to give another statement about when I found the flowers and what I did with them, it’s gone back to surprisingly normal. Minus not having my truck, it’s like the incident never even happened. It’s setting my teeth on edge waiting to hear what’s next.


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