Page 61 of Player Problems

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Tease is loud and chaotic tonight. But for once it’s in the best way possible.

Energy pulses through the place as lights flicker around the stage and the music reverberates up through the soles of my feet and through my body. Marissa and Tiffany work the pit while Sasha dances on the stage, blowing kisses in my directions every chance she gets. I’m not convinced she’s sober, but fuck if it’s my business as long as she keeps her shit together.

Alysha bumps her hip against mine as she passes by. “We missed you last night. Did not run smoothly.”

I chuckle, mixing a sex on the beach and pouring the colorful mixture over ice. “Won’t be missing me much anymore,” I tell her. “I’ll be closing almost every night the next couple months.”

Her eyebrows crease with worry. “Any reason?” she asks, treading lightly.

I hum, pouring three tequila shots to add to the mixed drink order. “Just some expenses coming up. Staying on top of it.” I haven’t told the staff here what happened, but whispers have passed through all of them. The cops did come by to ask them some questions about any concerning patrons after all. They have an idea something happened, but none of them have asked.

She sighs, but doesn’t say anything, moving back down the bar. We’re two women cut from the same cloth, fucked over by circumstance. She won’t call me out for working too much, the same way I won’t mention the blank application to Westbrook’s nursing program still sitting in her cubby. We all do what we have to do. We all have hard decisions to make. Sometimes we don’t need the push, we just need someone to respect our decision.

A low whistle draws my attention back to the bar as Nat picks up the shots and mixed drinks for her table. I smile at the newcomer I don’t recognize as he takes a seat at the bar, his eyes glued to my practically exposed tits. Courtesy of Isla’s two sizes too small bikini top. At least she had a simple black triangle top. Can’t complain. The tips tonight have already been better than usual. Might have to steal this top from her.

My eyes flick down the bar to where Officer Derek is nursing a beer. He cut back when he saw me show up, his eyes wandering over the bar every few minutes. I hate to admit it, but it does make me feel just a tad safer.

“What can I get for you?” I ask. His eyes briefly flick away from my chest to meet my eyes and his features soften.

“Whatever you have on tap,” he responds.

“Coors?” I ask and at his nod, turn around to pour his beer. Placing it on the bar in front of him I ask, “Tab or close you out?”

His eyes flicker with interest as they weigh on me heavily. “You can close me out,” he decides. I print a receipt and lay it next to him, but as I go to turn away, I stop when he clears his throat. He has his wallet in his hands and pulls out a twenty, laying it on top of the receipt. “I don’t need any change.”

I flash a quick smile, grabbing the twenty and the receipt. “Thanks.”

He hums, sipping on his beer. I move down the bar, taking more orders and pouring drinks as I move. Alysha and I bumpback into each other in the middle and I turn back to work my way back to the far side of the bar. It’s been a consistent rush of people and orders since I got here and shows no sign of slowing down.

I grab a rag and start wiping down behind the bar making my way back to the register. The man from earlier is nursing his beer, his eyes following me as I move. As soon as I’m close enough, he grins. “You ever get on stage?” he asks, nodding to the stage where Marissa has taken over on the stage and Sasha is now in the pits.

“Just a bartender,” I say, accustomed to answering this question. The regulars know better than to even ask.

“There a number that changes that answer?”

I cock my head, taking him in with a new appreciation. He’s young, but not college aged. Probably late twenties, maybe early thirties. He dresses nice but casual, nothing worth noting at first glance, but on my second run through it’s obvious he comes from money. The clothes aren’t just off the rack. They’re good quality, fitting his frame perfectly. His watch looks familiar and expensive but I’m not good enough with brand names to tell which one it is.

“What? You gonna pay $500 just to see me swing around a pole?”

He smirks, his eyes dropping down to my tits. “Yeah, I definitely would,” he answers, pulling out his wallet for emphasis.

I roll my eyes, checking the rest of my bar to make sure no one else needs my immediate attention. “Sorry, I still don’t strip.”

“A grand,” he counters. “Clothes can stay on.”

I arch a brow, trying to get a read on this guy. Sure, I have great tits and it doesn’t hurt to look at me. But all three girlsworking the floor tonight are just as, if not more, blessed in both those departments.

“I like you,” he says as if he can read the questions in my gaze. “And your tits,” he adds when he catches my skepticism.

I chuckle dryly. “Nah.” I wave him away, picking up another order Nat dropped off. When he’s still waiting for an answer, I sigh. “You don’t like me. If you did, you would have asked for my number. Maybe my name. Not just for me to shake my ass for you.”

He laughs, and it’s not as grating of a sound as it should be. He seems like an arrogant dick, but somehow it works for him. Even if it’s not working on me. Though an extra grand sure as fuck doesn’t sound bad. “You got me there, but does that mean a lap dance is off the table?”

“Was never on the table,” I counter.

He clutches at his chest, just as Nat comes to pick up her order. I hand her the drinks, just as he says, “You wound a guy. Not even one spin around the pole?”

I rest my elbows against the bar as I take my time studying him. “Is it a kink thing?” I finally ask, making Nat, who’s paused to watch the interaction, laugh. “Controlling women with money, I mean.”
