Page 89 of Player Problems

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Beau shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it, bro.”

I huff in frustration but finally just focus on my dad. “Are we going out to eat?” I ask him, ignoring everyone else. He gives me a bemused smile before nodding.

“Come on, son. Let’s talk about the game.”

Fucking finally something I can understand.

I’m still riding the high from the win as we roll up to Tease and James parks next to my truck.

Dinner with my family wasn’t as rowdy as the conversation outside of the locker room was. They finally dropped Torryn as the main subject. Though Jackson nearly had soda coming out of his nose when he caught sight of her photo as my background.

Of course, that made Dylan look and catch sight of it too. At least those two dickheads didn’t call greater attention to it. I’m still trying to recover from my mom talking about Tor and I being sex friends, or ducks, or whatever. I don’t want to imagine her finding out I have Tor’s nude set to my background.

Neither of the twins could believe she didn’t mind that I had it, but they just don’t get Torryn. I had to point out to Dylan how she had not one single ounce of shame after he walked in on us, which made Jackson jealous and then we had to shut down the conversation when they asked to see the photo again. I’m not above beating up my older brothers.

I put my family out of my mind as we walk into Tease, my gaze instantly going to the bar at the back in search of Torryn. It’s pretty busy in here, but most of the people are hanging out inwhat Torryn calls the pits, near the dancers. Her bar has plenty of seats open for us to take the same corner we took last time.

Instead of sulking in corners like I’ve imagined Xander has been doing, he’s already at the corner, a beer in front of him. I take a seat next to him grinning at Torryn as I watch her work. There’s something inherently sexy about a girl with a bottle in her hand.

“How’s it been?” I ask, checking the time only to realize it’s a lot later than I thought. We usually would be plastered by this time after a win, but being with my family changed things. We took a celebratory shot and had a couple of drinks with my brothers, but I always feel my mom’s eyes weighing on me when I drink.

“Not bad,” Xander answers.

Beau claps his hands together, waving to Torryn. “Alright, boys, and Isla. How are we celebrating?”

At that moment, Torryn comes over with a stack of shot glasses. “With tequila,” she answers, her eyes meeting mine. “Obviously.”

She sets out six shot glasses, but Xander coughs, looking behind him. “Four more and give them thirty seconds.” Torryn doesn’t even bat an eyelash, setting out four more.

“Who else is coming?” I ask but wave him off when I see Tate, Zac, Wilder, and a girl I recognize but don’t know walk in. “Nevermind.”

As they approach us Xander asks, “Took Em home?”

Tate looks offended he would even ask. “As if I would bring her here?”

Torryn snorts, shoving a shot in his hand. “We’re a classy establishment here.”

Tate’s cheeks heat as he catches sight of, well, I’m not exactly sure what about her makes him blush. The small bruises all over her chest and neck that are no longer covered. The way her titsare barely being held in by that top, still a huge fan of that one myself. Or if he’s remembering that she wore his jersey today.

“Nothing screams class like being covered in hickeys,” Xander taunts.

Torryn hands him a shot. “Don’t be bitter because your dick is dryer than the Sahara desert.”

Tate snorts and I volley between Xander and Torryn. “Maybe this friendship is something we shouldn’t encourage,” I whisper to him. He nods his agreement, but Zac is already sitting down and taking a shot for himself.

“I think they’re fun together,” he says and salutes Tor with his shot.

She passes out the rest of the shots and flicks Wilder between the eyes when he doesn’t break contact with her tits.

“Sorry,” he murmurs. “Just didn’t realize in all those hours of torture together you had such a great rack.”

The little redhead with him looks horrified. “Wilder!” she scolds. “You can’t just say that to people.”

Torryn smirks. “Yeah, Wilder.” She hands the girl a shot and winks at her. “For you? It’s on the house.”

She blushes and I realize where I recognize her from. She’s Wilder’s best friend and I swear I know her name. He talks about her nonstop and they’re practically inseparable. Except for when he’s at a party. Guess he convinced her to join him this time.

