Page 95 of Player Problems

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I spend it with Tor’s family. What are you thinking Beau?


None of us are going home

Mission bring Bay home for Thanksgiving?

Leave it to me



“Why are you staring at your phone like that?” James asks as he takes a seat next to me on the bus. Away games have never felt as long as they have this season.

“He’s waiting for Torryn to text him back,” Wells answers for me.

I flip him off, ignoring the both of them as I wait for her response. They can’t blame me for being anxious. The last away game we had, Torryn’s stalker left another note on her new car, which she was finally able to get when her insurance check came through.

While we’re gone, it’s only really Xander and Isla that are keeping an eye on her. Some of the guys that don’t travel with us are helping where they can, but mostly it’s just the two of them. I hate that the stalker hasn’t given up yet. I was almost starting to think that he had.

But now, she’s also getting calls from blocked numbers and cryptic texts. The thought alone makes my skin crawl, even if she’s brushing it off as whatever. Every moment we’re away from her is another moment where the stalker has a better chance of getting to her.

We even asked Xander to start staying in the house while we’re gone, but it only makes me feel marginally better.

“It’s been a day, dude,” Beau taunts.

I give him an unamused look. “Right. Remind me, who called their dad and ordered more security cameras around the property after our last away game?”

He puts his hands up in defense. “Hey, I didn’t say I wasn’t worried about her. But we just talked to her.” I roll my eyes, but when my phone buzzes in my hand and her name pops up on the screen, the anxiety in my chest eases.

She laments with me about the tough loss last night but still finds ways to praise me. It was a hard game last night and only the second loss we’ve experienced as a team this season for a record of 5-2. It’s not a bad start, but we could be doing better. We will do better at the next game.

“Are you guys doing anything for Thanksgiving?” James asks.

“We have a game on Friday,” Beau points out but James waves him off.

“I’m aware. But is any of your family coming in?”

I shake my head. “My parents thought about it, but it’s hard for everyone to get time off to come down. I’ll see them for Christmas. Jackson may or may not show up since he’ll have the whole week off.”

Wells’ parents will be coming down on Friday to watch the game, but no one else’s parents are going to make it this weekend. Not that I blame them. Who wants to travel this time of year? And the weather isn’t supposed to be great next weekend either.

“What about Isla and Tor?”

Wells and I trade looks, but I don’t really know. She’s talked about her family to me a bit. I know her mom passed and her dad isn’t around. Her grandma is her mom’s mom and she soundslike a hoot. I’m hoping to meet her one day, along with Torryn’s younger siblings. I want to see how she is as a big sister.

“Probably going home,” I assume, but Wells doesn’t seem to know either.

James gives us an incredulous look. “You haven’t talked about it?”

I shake my head, rubbing the back of my neck. “I mean their families don’t live that far. They’re probably going home.”

“You don’t want to spend it with them?” Beau prods.

I look expectantly at Wells. That particular question seems to be more directed at him. Why would I expect to spend a holiday with Tor? I’ll admit, it does sound nice. But that’s out of our wheelhouse.

He sighs, but can’t argue. “She’s not that close to her parents,” he says in a half-hearted defense. As her boyfriend, they probably should have talked about it already. “I’ll figure it out and let you guys know,” he answers.
