Page 21 of Nico

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Nico leaned his back against his desk, and crossed his arms. “What are you going to do for me now that I’ve given you the job?”

“I don’t have the job yet. You haven’t said what you’ll pay me. I have the right to negotiate my payment once I see what the job entails.” He unzipped his dark slacks, palmed his cock, and with his long fingers, he unbuttoned his silk shirt, button by button, until the shirt opened to reveal an incredible tanned body with tattoos and a nipple ring. Our eyes locked and I swallowed. He knew what he was doing to me and especially a younger man who had limited experiences with an older, seductive, dangerous man.

I choked, gazing at his taut nipples at their peak of arousal. He palmed his cock once more, then unlatched his pants from around his narrow waist. He wore no underwear, completely commando. Damn, that was hot. I’d experienced that once in my life, and it was when I first came to New York. It might have been hot, but it all depended on the nature of the man, and from what his brother said, I’d better watch my back and my ass.

Nico stood waiting for another reaction and when he couldn’t wait any longer, he barked, “Do I have to strip you, or are you planning on negotiating with me with a hard cock?” he said with a wandering smile, and then as fast as he flashed it, it was gone, and now it was all business with him.

I rubbed my hand over my chin and around the side of my face checking my fine hair, hoping to have to shave more than every other day, and I tried to pretend I was in the driver’s seat as they said, but I was riding this train without a ticket, and I could get thrown off at any moment.

“I need a thousand a week.” His face didn’t change. From what little I knew about him, money wasn’t an issue. I thought I had something going, so I upped the ante, and why not? “Make that an extra two thousand a week if you expect me to sleep with you.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Not only do I expect you to. I can make you if you don’t obey. So, what you’re telling me is you’re selling yourself to me.”

I thought for a moment. “I look at it differently. If I don’t do what you want, you will take me and then where does that leave me? I haven’t decided if you’re a man who likes to work for ass, or one who likes it served to you without paying a price. You look like a man who believes that if you pay for something, then it’s worth more to you, and you will appreciate it more.”

He chuckled. “You think you have me all figured out. Maybe you do and maybe you don’t, only time will tell. I’d say you’re too smart for your own good.”

Smart? Where did I hear that before. Oh yeah, my father before he opened the door, and said, “Go out without my help and survive. You won’t get another dime from me or your mother.” That sounded like a Shakespearean tragedy waiting to happen.

Before Nico could negotiate with me, someone hammered on the wooden door. “Get the fuck out of there, Nico. We have business to discuss. Remember this afternoon, well, someone is looking for their precious cargo.” That was Dante. I’d recognize his strong sexy voice anywhere. He appeared to have saved me once again. For him I hoped.

At the time I didn’t know Dante had wanted me. He’d never given me the impression he was anything but a vanilla straight dude. But I later found out just how straight he was.

I could still smell him after months of being on the run. I could still feel him inside me and the way he whispered into my ear complimenting me on how strong my body was, and it was the first time he was able to fuck someone the way he wanted without the fear of hurting them.

Dante said to me that night, “It’s freeing to be able to be a powerful man, and not have to worry if I did something inappropriate. You can truly be free to have the kind of relationships you desire, and you don’t have to worry if the other person wants it. You want my cock, don’t you? It’s not too large is it?” he’d asked, before he hammered me into the mattress.

To which I moaned, “Do what makes you happy, Dante. Fuck me hard if that makes you happy. Suck my cock, or let me suck yours if that pleases you.”

He moaned in pleasure as if I’d freed him.

“It pleases me, but we don’t have time and we may never have the time.” He kissed my shoulder and then bit it. He moaned with pleasure and I did as well. Then he remembered that he wasn’t free to enjoy his sexual freedom. He had been given an order from Nico which he’d been obligated to carry out.

I heard him mention something about having a fiancé and what was he to do about that. It was then his expression and body changed. It had been warm and loving, but it became cold and he mentioned that he had to do something with me. He had to go to the basement.

The idea of the basement conjured up all kinds of sinister things in my mind. There had been people who disposed of bodies in the basement of their homes, and since I didn’t know Dante, I thought he would do that to cover up his relationship with me. Such as it were.

That was when I panicked and I left and ended up in a small dusty town, hoping no one would find me, especially Dante.

I wondered what he thought when he opened the door to Nico’s room, and didn’t find me. He wasn’t in the basement because his car was nowhere in sight. I knew what I thought. He’d gone to get something to weigh me down before he’d dropped me in a river, lake, or the Atlantic Ocean. That was what I thought, and I wasn’t waiting around to see if he’d suddenly become moral, or fell in love with me at first sight.

How was I to know? The only thing I thought about was survival when I ran from Dante.

The only man I’d ever enjoyed having inside me. I liked everything about him—his warm considerate touch, his hard developed body, that scowl on his handsome face. I liked everything about him, except one thing—he was probably a killer, and I was next.

Chapter 16


I had to clear my head. So, I drove around thinking about what to say to Romeo, and found myself in Manhattan at my apartment. It wasn’t really just my apartment. I had bought it for Mary Ann as an engagement present. However, she wanted a ring, but I wanted her to have something as an investment if anything were to happen to me. The nature of my job, it was possible that I would go out to take care of business, and she would never see me again, and I couldn’t depend on Nico to give her anything if we weren’t married.

Previously I’d had that conversation with Nico. “If anything happens to me make sure you take care of Mary Ann.”

“For what? Why should I give her your inheritance. It’s not like she’s your wife. If you thought enough of her, you should have married her.” I thought a lot of her, and marriage was not what made for a great relationship these days.

“You aren’t married to Chad and you’ve already said that you’ve drawn up a will because you want him to have something even though you fuck around on him.”
