Page 6 of Romeo

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“Well, yeah. Look at you. I bet you’ve never been in love before. You’ve never been vulnerable.”

“You don’t know anything about me, and a man your age knows nothing about being in love. You just want to fuck or get fucked. That’s the extent of your love life.”

“And what’s the extent of yours? Marrying that Mary person.”

“You don’t know her—”

“I know one thing that when you whispered into my ear and said that your experience with me was the best ever.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“It doesn’t matter how or why you said that, but that’s what you meant, and no one held a gun to your head, unlike me.” Again, there was quiet throughout the car except the sound of tires, and the bands in the highway making a thumping sound. “You don’t like this song because it’s about you. She couldn’t write a better song that explains our relationship.”

“What relationship? We don’t have any relationship, boy. We have nothing,” he mumbled, as if he weren’t sure about his words.

“That’s not what I think.”

“No one cares what you think, Romeo.” He turned to me with a sneer on his face and a coldness that seemed to be getting worse, even when I’d tried my best to warm him up. He was indeed what I thought in the first place, minus how hot I thought he was. “You’re not going to be thinking or existing, or anything in about six hours, boy.”

“Well, Mr. Cold Heartless Bastard, couldn’t you let me have my dreams for that short time. When you’re a condemned man, all you have are your dreams, and when you take that away from a man, he has nothing left to live for, and a desperate man is one you don’t want to be around. If I were you, I’d tread lightly around me.” I narrowed my gaze and acted as if he didn’t know me and I could explode at any moment. What did he know? He couldn’t read minds. All he knew about me was that he could fool me and have sex with me, and I didn’t try to kill him.

Maybe that was enough for some men to get a gauge on who they were dealing with.

Dante chuckled, and said, “What are you planning to do, talk me to death?” He had a point, and clearly he wasn’t afraid of my veiled threats, although given the chance I’d do him some serious harm if I thought he would carry through what he’d been threatening with those vile words.

Finally, I captured his attention when he turned to me for a second, and in that second I spotted the warmth in his brown eyes I once knew. Then he turned off the station, but I turned it back to the song I’d been singing.

He turned to me with a distant stare until I pointed, and said, “Keep your eyes on the road. You may not have a respect for life, but I do, and every second to me has become my greatest pleasure. Once I thought it was you, now no more. Pull over, I have to pee.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Dante questioned.

“What? You make me nervous, and I have to take a leak. Remember, I didn’t pee at the last place. I was too busy on my knees sucking your enormous dick. Too bad The Ringling Brothers’ Circus isn’t around anymore. We could make a lot of money showing off the biggest dick on Earth.”

Dante smiled, and said, “Do you think it’s that big? I bet there are bigger ones than mine.”

“Outside of an elephant, I don’t think so. Have you seen the size of that thing? And doesn’t a condemned man get a last wish?” I swung my body and legs around to stare at him. “A last song to listen to... and something to eat? I’m hungry, and there’s a place where we can pick up something. Don’t you need gas?” I questioned, trying to slow down the inevitable—a cabin in the woods near a lake which could be ‘my last resting place’ as my father would say.

If someone else had painted a picture of a cabin in the woods and a lake for me, that would have been the happiest time of my life. But now it’s the worst. Why couldn’t Dante have admitted he was hot for me? It would have saved him and me from all this trouble. None of this would be happening, and we could have been on our way to this cabin like we were now, but under different circumstances.

Dante veered the car off the road, and turned to the right to take a curve and stopped to get gas and let me get something to eat and urinate.

“What?” he questioned after I sat watching him.

“I need some money.”

“What happened to the money you stole?”

“If I remember correctly, I didn’t think I was going to meet a man who would plan on killing and kidnapping me. Remind me next time to bring more than five dollars, then I can pay off my abductor, and buy myself some food.”

Dante rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“I see you’re warming up to me. Maybe by the time we get to... where are we going?”

“You don’t need to know. It’s six hours away where I have a cabin, and there’s a lake,” he said, more with his menacing narrowed glance. If he was trying to scare me, he had done that and then some.

“So you really are going to kill me and dump my body in a lake.”

Dante didn’t say a word, he took a deep breath and stared ahead and pulled out some money and shoved it into my waiting hand.
