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"Never," I reply, capturing her lips with mine. The kiss is fiery, filled with passion and a depth of feeling that words can't capture. We break apart, foreheads pressed together, lost in the intensity of the moment.

"I told you I was back," she whispers, her breath warm against my skin.

I chuckle softly, tightening my grip around her waist. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

The night's energy doesn't wane, even after the fight. The four of us spill into the cool New York air: Andrei, Viktor, Ana, and myself. The city's lights glow in the distance, a mirage of opportunity and potential. And tonight, the city is ours.

"Where to?" Viktor asks, ever the enthusiast. His eagerness always brings a smirk to my face.

"Let's show you our New York," Ana says, her voice carrying the hint of mischief I've come to adore.

The night progresses in a blur of neon lights, clinking glasses, and laughter. From the vantage of a rooftop bar, we toast our successes while the city sprawls beneath us, a living organism of hopes and dreams. The familiar sight of Times Square, the distant silhouette of Lady Liberty… it all feels more vibrant tonight, infused with the thrill of Ana's victory.

Over drinks, Andrei updates us about Moscow. "The Bratva has never been stronger," he claims, his voice filled with pride. I nod in agreement, proud of the empire we've built across oceans.

"We've been busy too," I chime in, eyes fixed on Ana's. "New York has been good to us. But there are other cities, other opportunities. Expansion is on the horizon."

Ana's eyes shine with ambition. "There's no stopping us, not now."

The conversation flows from business to personal stories. Viktor regales us with tales of his latest escapades in Moscow. Ana and I share snippets of our life in the city—the little Italian deli we've come to love, the hidden jazz bar that feels like a time capsule, the park where we often take our son.

Yet amidst the laughter and chatter, there's an underlying current of anticipation, a magnetic pull between Ana and me. Every touch, every glance exchanged is a silent promise, a reminder of the intimate world that awaits us.

The night wears on, and as much as I enjoy the company, the pull toward home grows stronger. Ana seems to feel the same, her fingers frequently finding mine, her gaze lingering a bit longer.

"It's been a great night," I say, finishing off my drink. "But I think it's time we head home."

Ana nods in agreement. "Yes, it's been fun, but..."

Andrei chuckles, cutting her off. "Say no more. Go home, you two. We'll manage just fine."

Viktor raises an eyebrow in mock indignation. "What? You think we can't handle New York on our own?"

Ana laughs, pulling me closer. "Oh, I'm sure you can. But try not to burn down the city while you're at it."

Andrei grins. "No promises."

We say our goodbyes amidst laughter and hugs. The city that never sleeps fades into a backdrop, and all I can focus on is the woman beside me.

The drive home is quiet, filled with the unspoken words and promises that always seem to flow between us. When we finally step into the familiar confines of our apartment, the world outside ceases to exist.

Tonight was about celebration, about victory, and about family. But now, it's about us. Just the two of us, and the love that's always burned brightly, no matter the odds.

As the apartment door clicks shut behind us, there's a momentary silence. The earlier bustle and energy of the evening seems to fall away. First things first, our son.

We make our way to his room, treading softly on the plush carpet. I push open the door, and the soft glow of a nightlight illuminates the form of our baby boy. His even breathing, his tiny fists curled beside his head, the soft mop of dark hair on his scalp… it’s all so perfect, so utterly heartwarming.

“He’s so peaceful,” Ana murmurs, standing beside me, her voice brimming with maternal love.

“And strong. Look at him,” I reply, the raw wonder evident in my voice. Every day, every glimpse of our child feels like witnessing a miracle. I think of the nickname I've given him—my little "Orel," my eagle, a name that denotes strength, freedom, and a touch of the wild.

We spend a few moments more watching him. Then, silently deciding it's time to let him sleep undisturbed, we retreat from the room.

Elena is waiting in the living room. "All went well?" I ask, even though I know the answer.

"All went well. Still sleeping like an angel," she replies with a fond smile, gathering her things.

We exchange pleasantries, and after ensuring her transportation is taken care of, we bid her goodnight. The apartment door clicks shut once more, leaving Ana and me in a cocoon of silence and intimacy.
