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From the top shelf, he grabbed a small silver bag, and using a stylish measuring spoon, he filled two pods with ground beans. “If I may, I’d been doing some more research and trial tastings, and think this might be a hit. If not for me, definitely for the coffee lovers.”

“Oooh, colour me intrigued. I want whatever it is you’re brewing.”

The machine hissed and steamed and dribbled its dark roast into the paper cup.

After a minute, he handed it to me and made himself one. “It’s tall, dark, and handsome.”

“Like you,” I added quickly.

A shy grin spread from cheek to cheek. “Add whatever you need to it. Fridge is over there.”

“I like it this way.”

Our gaze connected and held until a long, languishing hiss ended his coffee brew. Coffee capped and sleeves slipped on, we exited with a quick wave to Nina and perused the food truck offerings, deciding on Italian for supper.

Finishing up our supper, Carter cleared his throat. “So, I know we are new to this relationship – sort of – and you are wanting to take it slow, but I’m wondering if…”

Emotionless, he just sat there, letting the glow of the bonfire dance across his face. There was no change to his expression, and no words forthcoming, both of which worried me slightly.

“What?” I finally asked when he still hadn’t spoken.

He took a long sip of his special blend. If it was anything like mine, it was likely lukewarm at best. The paper cups didn’t do much to retain heat, not when it was cold and snowy.

“Do you, or would you, join Bea and me for supper on Wednesday?” Even under the cover of his scarf, the bobbing Adam’s Apple was undeniable.

A light snort rolled out of me, and I set my fork across my empty plate. The food truck had made the best ravioli, and in the most unladylike way, I had inhaled my food.

“That’s a big ask.”

“It’s just my sister and her boyfriend, and me. Nothing major...”

“She hates me, remember? Thinks I broke your heart.”

“I’ll set her straight.”

“You mean, you haven’t yet?” I perched forward on my haybale, making myself as physically as uncomfortable as I was emotionally.

I just wasn’t sure about being in such a restrictive environment with his sister. We’d never gotten along, and after Carter’s big lie, it just wasn’t high on my wish list of things to do.

“Don’t you worry. I’ll tell her it was all on me.”

My eyes widened. “When? Before or after we’re married?”

The glow from the flickering flames danced across the building smirk. “Wow. Already thinking about marriage?”

“Just answer. When are you going to tell her?”

“Before Wednesday. I promise.”He held up his pinkie.

I linked mine with his. “You know I don’t take lightly to promises.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“So you’ll tell her?”


“And if you don’t?” I needed a backup plan, something to hold against him in the event of him baling and not telling the truth.
