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She pointed to the trees and window storefronts all wrapped in white lights. The mountains were prominently on display under the waning glow of the moon.

“So, where’s a great place to get dinner?”

“Ah, well… We already have plans with Carter’s sister. We were on our way there, but he needed to make a stop here first.”

“Speaking of which, give me a quick minute. Excuse me.” Without further warning, he jumped up the stairs and entered the Coffee Loft.

Amanda narrowed her eyes and tipped her head.

“He does that.” However, I wasn’t going to apologize for it. I knew he’d return and jump back in like he hadn’t just vanished before our eyes. “So, I’m really sorry I can’t make dinner.”

And I really wanted to go too. Hanging out with Bea wasn’t high on my list of things to do but hanging out with Amanda and seeing her and Silas together? That would be fun.

Amanda nudged Silas. “Told you we should’ve called first.”

“Really?Yousaid this would be more fun.” He kissed the side of her cheek. “But that’s okay, I’ll be the fall guy.” Silas turned to me. “Next time, I promise I’ll give you a heads up.” A wink followed.

How cute were these two together?

She shrugged. “It’s no biggie.” Although her fallen expression said it was. “So, where’s a good place to eat? I didn’t see any fast-food joints.”

“There’s only a couple, right at the turn-off into town. By the gas station.”

“Oh.” Her waxing disappointment hung on.

Feeling two feet tall because she’d made the trek out to the mountains to see me and I wasn’t even available, I caved. “I’ll cancel dinner. Carter can go without me.”

“Nah. I wouldn’t do that to you. You had plans.”

“It’s okay. Carter will understand.”

“What will I understand?” He appeared by my side.

“That I’m cancelling plans for dinner. Go without me. Take the dessert.”

“Won’t be necessary.”

“What?” I looked up at his handsome face. “Bea loves extra company and honestly won’t have an issue.”

Facing Amanda with an unsure expression, I shrugged. “What do you think? And you don’t have to. I can cancel on her.”

A mischievous expression filled her face and she leaned into Silas. “Carter that’s awfully sweet of you, I’d love to accept. Silas?”

He nodded. “Of course. Where can we stop and pick up a fine bottle of red?”

Directions were handed out and we took off in separate directions as worry and apprehension filled my soul.

As I parked outside Bea’s house, a nice-sized bungalow tucked toward the edge of town with a decent view of downtown Ridge Heights, a heavy weight descended upon my shoulders.

“You’ll be fine. Plus, you’ll have Amanda here.” Carter rubbed my thigh, but I still wasn’t convinced.

“Maybe. I just need to gather myself, pray for peace, and ready for the possibility of some harsh words.”

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Are you okay?” Although he had stated he didn’t want me to monitor his every move, I couldn’t help myself.

Since he’d arrived at my motel room, where I was finishing the sugar-free cinnamon coffee cake recipe I’d found online, he’d seemed… distracted. His features were slightly hardened, not enough to be visibly noticeable, but enough to take note. The lines around his eyes were etched deeper, and the bags underneath were packing for a three-day trip. Even his walk seemed to be losing a spring with each step.
