Page 18 of Shadow Killer

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“Hell, I don’t doubt you. It’s because of their stellar reputation that the captain didn’t lock them up, and as a courtesy, decided to question them right away. The killings are too high profile, and the brass prefers to act. Even if it’s the wrong move, at least they’re acting. That’s what the public expects from the police. They’re not formally accused of anything, but it seems that someone at the Quicksilver anonymously reported suspicious behavior from your friends and marks on the women. From what I could gather, the anonymous person is someone that has the ear of the brass, and a good grip too. I know that doesn’t help, and I don’t agree with accusing honest men to only later apologize. Damage is done, and it’s nonsense. But there’s more.”

With a low stream of curses, Brandon told Callan to spit it out.

“A patrol found Jordyn Kaiser, or Jordyn, a couple of minutes ago. She’s alive and well.”

Noelle’s heart skipped in relief, but Callan’s tone hinted that he was about to spit some more bad news.

“The patrol found her wandering near the Garden District. She’s mostly unharmed, apart from some bruises.”

Her hope of a quick resolution was crushed. Brandon was breathing hard, clearly fighting to keep his control. “Has she been brought in?”

“Yeah, with all the precautions for analysis. Noelle, could you head to the station and check her out? From what I gathered, she was scared and doesn’t remember much.”

“We’re both heading to the station, Callan. Please keep an eye on things before we get there.”

“Will do, Noelle. Keep it together, Brandon. We’ll get to the bottom of it.”

When he hung up, for a brief instant, the tall man looked as if he was drowning in anger and despair. Noelle couldn’t help but take him into a tight hug that he returned.

“I’m sure this isn’t how it appears. Keep your head, Brandon. I know deep down inside that we’ll find the truth about your friend and end this madness.”


“With all due respect, Commander, I think this situation has been blown out of proportion. I’ve known these men for years, worked with them. I even saw them last night, and there were no signs that would lead me to believe there was any sign of abuse on either of them.”

Commander Beckner only arched an eyebrow, which made Brandon wanted to snarl, but he knew better. “Lieutenant Turner, I understand your level of worry, but concerning the domestic violence case against McSheehy and Maldonado, I’d prefer that you stand aside and not intervene. Not that I don’t believe you, I do, but this is an official complaint, although anonymous, and we need to tread carefully. I checked their backgrounds, and they’re squeaky clean. So apart from an overall verification and corroboration from Ms. Kaiser, both she and Mr. Maldonado should be set free. Just be patient and keep to the rules, and they should be able to get out of here quickly. However, Ms. Kaiser’s case and the still missing Mrs. McSheehyare a priority and one I’m assigning to you. Shed some light on it, close the case so you can go back to what we discussed.”

Brandon knew when he was being dismissed, but he had to try to get more information before he left. “Commander, is there any way to discover who filed the complaint about the domestic abuse?”

“I’m sorry, no. I’m working on it. Let me untangle a few things and get back to you.”

It wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear, but he knew it was the only one he’d get at the moment.

Making a quick stop at Callan’s desk, he discreetly asked him to pass a message to Ryland and Nico, to give them an update about what was going on and that Jordyn had been found. That way, he’d comply with the commander’s order but also with his inner compass.

The station was buzzing with activity when he finally made his way to the lab to see if Noelle could update him on what was going on with Jordyn. She’d been processed but not questioned, and was waiting in an interrogation room for them.

Brandon found the most beautiful woman on earth deep in her lab, bent over a high-tech microscope. It would’ve acted as a beacon in any other circumstances, but it was her brain he was most in need of at the moment.


She didn’t respond right away, so Brandon took the liberty of entering her workspace. Only then did she straighten. “I got samples from Jordyn, what we found on her skin, the blood under her nails, and also some blood tests. And a bunch of pictures. I should have them soon. I wanted to start while I waited for you. Where do you need me?”

“The tests are good, but I want you with me to question Jordyn. I feel that another friendly face might put her at ease.”

“She has no idea where she was? I know a doctor examined her, and apart from some bruises, there weren’t any marks on her. I’m still running a blood analysis, but nothing came up as comparison material from the basic databases.”

Dread was churning in his gut, but he had to voice his thoughts out loud. “Who took her and Leanna? What if she can’t remember at all? I worry what or who we’ll find at the end of that bread crumb trail.”

Noelle set her jaw and nodded. “I’m sure there’s a logical explanation. We just have to find it.”

He paused for an instant, amazed at the woman standing before him. “Why are you so sure? Even the commander isn’t that optimistic.”

She surprised him by coming closer and cupping his cheek. “Don’t say that. We may be strangers still, but I know deep down, it would take a lot more than this for you to admit defeat. And you know your friends, hang on to that. When we get all the facts aligned, everything will fall into place.”

Somehow, it felt nice having someone on his side apart from Callan. He’d been lonely adjusting to his new home. “You’re not going to talk about magic and premonitions and all that stuff?”

Her eyes darkened, and he immediately regretted his words when she let her hand fall.

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