Page 35 of Shadow Killer

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The space was set up like a cell, with a bed in a far corner where Leanna was lying unconscious—Erin stood in the middle of the room, aiming a gun at her face. The expression on the woman’s face was even more frightening than the weapon itself.

“I thought I recognized you creeping your ass around my house. I couldn’t ask for a better guest than you, Noelle Breaux.”

Noelle knew the immediate threat was the blonde fury before her, but her eyes went to the unconscious woman she’d wanted to find. “Is she dead?” The question tasted foul on her tongue, but from where she was standing, it was impossible to see for herself.

“She’s in some sort of coma. It was unexpected, especially since I gave her such a low dose.”

“Angel’s trumpets, isn’t that right, Ms. Stait?”

Her face contorted into what Noelle could only guess was supposed to be a grin. “I admire brilliant women. Too bad some must be sacrificed for the greater good.”

“Greater good? Having women poisoned, killing innocent men?”

“Innocent?” The shout reverberated on the concrete walls. “Those men were not innocent, far from it. Don’t you dare tell me they had nothing on their conscience that would bring them down.”

Noelle knew the situation could derail fast, but she needed answers. “And her? Leanna? What has she done? And her husband? He’s not even from here. Don’t try and tell me they’ve done anything wrong.”

Erin’s aim trembled a little. “They associated themselves with the worst man to walk this earth.”

It was becoming more and more difficult to follow her. “Brandon? Brandon is the only reason the two couples are here in New Orleans. He knows Reeker. They work together. He was Damien’s best friend.”

“Best friend? Brandon Turner? The son of bitch couldn’t be farther from it! He failed Reinhard and failed to keep his only son, his pride and joy, alive! Can you imagine the pain his father suffered?”

Tears streamed down her contorted face, and Noelle searched for the right thing to say, to calm the situation and save Leanna. She wasn’t a psychologist, but she knew it would be dangerous to torment her more, so she searched for a way to bring her down and mellow her.

“It’s obvious you love Reinhard. Love is something precious and rare. I can see how you’d be by his side, wanting to help him in this.”

“Love can’t begin to describe what this is. And Reinhard is too much of a man to ever ask for help. What happened wasn’t because of him, but for him. Our love can’t reach what it’s meant to be unless I can heal him.”

As Erin talked Noelle’s mind was rushing to keep up with her, analyzing possibilities and outcomes. “Heal him?”

“His soul! For years, people took advantage of him, attacked him, or robbed him of what made him happy. First, that wife of his who dragged him to a mediator to try to save their marriage. Which was an insult to such a wonderful man! If cancer hadn’trighted that wrong, I wouldn’t believe in the ultimate justice of the universe.”

“Okay, I understand the psychologist, but what about the lawyer? Jarrod Huntington?”

Noelle knew she could be making a false assumption, which could make Erin react to being outed. For a half-second, Noelle feared the worst but was proven wrong.

“I can’t believe the woman threatened him with divorce if they didn’t move to California. Or that anybody would believe the nonsense she was flinging. Instead of a true partnership, she wanted a puppet, and that is an insult to Reinhard. If not for his beloved boy, I don’t think he ever would have left New Orleans.”

Erin’s aim wavered a little, the gun lowered slightly, and Noelle saw a glimpse of hope, one that might let her and Leanna live another day. “You’re probably right, but there’s one thing I don’t understand. Why take Jordyn and Leanna? Everything you’ve explained so far is brilliant, but that part eludes me.”

And now the gun lowered utterly. However, Noelle didn’t see anything she could use to defend herself or Leanna.

“As I couldn’t reach you, I went to his friends. I discovered he’d met with out-of-town colleagues, and it was destiny that they came to the same bar I was that night. I couldn’t let it pass. It’s too bad the situation became so complicated with their men being high-profile and the women reacting badly to the concoction. Even with my false accusations of domestic violence, which was flawed, I knew I had to let the first woman go. I kept caring for the other one, biding my time because I knew I’d eventually get what I wanted, and I wanted you above all else. For that, I had to divert Turner’s attention, and it’s why I broke in into his apartment. I knew then it would only be a matter of time before you made a mistake that would benefit my plan.

“I understand how a handsome man can muddle your brain, Noelle, but Brandon Turner is not who he seems. You made afatal mistake putting your trust in him, one that could get you killed, just like he killed Damien Reeker.”

That was the link, the one Noelle had been desperate to find.

“Reinhard hates Brandon because he promised to take care of his son, his pride and joy, as you said, and failed. He’s the one who should’ve died on that battlefield and leave a more deserving father with a son to cherish. Reinhard was left with sorrow and tears while Brandon returned to civilian life with more opportunities than he deserved. Everything should have been Damien’s. And if I can’t right this wrong, I’ll make sure that Brandon Turner suffers as much, if not more, than Reinhard ever did.”

When Erin aimed the gun at Leanna, Noelle leaped in front of the barrel. “Don’t. You’re making a mistake.”

“Oh! I’m not, my dear, as you’re next on the list.”

Noelle wanted to dissolve into a puddle of fear, but she had one ace she wanted to try before saying goodbye to this world. “Reinhard Reeker is a man of justice. That’s why he became a cop. By attacking innocents, like Jordyn and Leanna, who had nothing to do with Reinhard or his past, you’re taking a risk, one that may work against you. Their husbands are good men who’ve had difficult lives, one of them was in the military, just like Damien. Reinhard would protect them. If you want to keep Reinhard’s love, don’t touch those who don’t have a direct link to him. I wouldn’t want him to see all you’ve done as the opposite of what he stands for.”

The hesitation was the indication she needed to let her know she was heading in the right direction. And that’s when Noelle offered her last push. “Take me. Use me. I’m offering myself willingly to any of your plans if you agree to set Leanna free. I’m begging you, do what’s best for Reinhard.”
