Page 29 of Siriarna

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“Hey, slow down. Where are we going?” he puffs, out of breath from the quick exertion.

“We need to hold the paper up to the light pillars. I think they will unravel these marks and lead us to the guise.”

“Oh my gods, you’re right.”

Skin tingling and faces flushed, we run to the pillars. In our haste, we fail to see Roman and Alexandraya’s eyes following our every move.

Standing beside the pillars, we take one step back per the fourth line of the last clue.

As I hold up the now fused square, light refracts from the pillars through the paper in a wave like motion. It deepens the faint black marks, unveiling a completed symbol.

“I know this Braxton! It’s the gods’ symbol for knowledge. The guise is in the Knowledge Room.” I announce with barely controlled hysteria. My heart is palpitating at twice its normal speed, my body shaking with excitement at the discovery.

Though my elation is soon replaced with horror as Alexandraya appears beside me. “Thanks for working that one out, Siriarna. All’s fair in love and war?not so much for you though. Now, off to claim my win.”

She clenches Roman’s hand and speeds off, knocking me to the ground in the process. I did spy a sympathetic look from Roman, but he didn’t stop.

“Are you ok, Siriarna?” Braxton bends down, giving me his hand.

I’m not physically hurt, more pride wounded.

“I can’t stand the fact the Alexandraya is going to win because she cheated.” I say as he pulls me to my feet.

“Don’t worry, she still has to find the guise.”

“Oh, I’m not giving up. I’ve more fight left.”

He raises a brow, “Well, let’s get going.”

We might not have arrived at the Knowledge Room as quickly as Alexandraya and Roman, but I know this place better than my home hut.

Walking through the doors, I bump straight into Roman who’s looking frantically around the room.

“I’m so sorry, Siriarna,” he says on approach.

“Apology not accepted,” I respond through clenched teeth.

“It’s just?”

Cutting him off, I spit, “I don’t know what’s happened to you Roman, but I will not let her get away with this. I promise you.” With the words spewed out, I spin around and stalk off in the opposite direction.

Upon witnessing the exchange, Braxton suggests I take a moment to calm my thoughts. Agreeing, I follow him down the spiral staircase into the Reading Hub.

The exchange with Roman has unsettled me. My thoughts are blinded with anger, and for a few minutes, we are plunged into darkness.


The transition between darkness to light causes my eyes to blink at the adjustment. Instead of closing my eyes to refocus, I open them wider, letting the light dilate my pupils. As I do, an image floats behind my lenses. Concentrating, I try to project it forward. For a few seconds, a symbol materialises before vanishing.

The vision has cost me my balance, and I plummet toward the floor. Braxton reacts quickly catching my head before it smashesinto the ground.

“Whoa, Siriarna. What just happened?”

“I know where to find the guise! The light adjustment triggered a vision. Braxton, it was amazing.”

And a little bizarre if I’m honest.

“It must have been, it knocked you off your feet. Are you hurt?”
