Page 55 of Siriarna

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Throwing the ladder over the side of the chariot, I hurtle down the rungs, running toward my mother’s door screaming her name…“PSYCHE.”

There is no response. I pound my fists on her door and wait. Still nothing. Bringing electricity to my palms, I release the full force of my power at the door. Fragments of timber splinter throughout the entryway of the elaborately carved palace.

Stepping over the debris, I charge through the empty spaces, gaining momentum until I’m sprinting from room to room, searching for Psyche. I’m still screaming her name, but the echoes fade into the empty voids, unheard. Out of breath, I slow down and find myself at the courtyard where I sat with her and revealed she was my mother. Fury engulfs me. I send my electricity to the strawberry tree, striking it down. The plump fruit strewn lifeless, leaving a blood-like stain on the previously pristine marble.

I return to the chariot spent and manic. The familiar sensation of burning pierces the sockets behind my eyes. Glaring at the cumulonimbus above, the clouds respond with thunderous rumbles. Pelting rain soon follows, furiously thrashing the earth beneath—a testament to my growing wrath. The hefty drops shower the realm around me, everywhere except in my direct vicinity.

My mind is abuzz, but it zeros in on the only choice mymother’s absence has left me. I hoist myself into the chariot, Grand Palace bound.



The horses are agitated by the storm, making it difficult to control the chariot. Thankfully, the clear bubble around me remains, ensuring safe passage to my destination. The home of my unknowing father.

Well not for long.

I climb down the chariot ladder one rung at a time, my resolute hardening with each step. By the time I reach the ground I am poised, ready to reveal the centuries-kept secret of my parentage. With my newly calm resolve, the clouds dissipate and the sky is returned to its former tranquil conditions.

I beat my fists against the imposing entrance doors to the Grand Palace and stand firm. After a second round of banging, the door is answered by Hera.

“Who are you?” Demands the Queen of Mount Olympus.

Hera is every bit as forthright as her fabled reputation. Raising my eyes to hers, I step forward and introduce myself, “I am Siriarna, and I need to speak with Zeus immediately.”

Hera scans my face with intrigue before answering, “He’s at the Council Arena, preparing for this afternoon’s wedding. I could escort you, but I need a word with my husband.”

“No need, I’m sure I’ll find it.” I swiftly turn on my high heel backing away.

I hear the angry slam of doors behind me. According to legend, Hera does not like being excluded from affairs of the Sky Realm, especially those involving her husband. She senses something is brewing, the previous state of the horizon, a mighty indication. I don’t have much time. Hera’s feelings regarding Zeus’ illegitimate children are well known throughout the realms. This wound will cut deeply. It seems my immortality will not bring the peace I crave.

After a quick canter, the horses now comfortable with my command, we halt at an open circular arena surrounded by 12 carved columns shaped as statues of the Olympian Gods. At the upper end, sits an elaborately sculptured throne directly in front of Zeus’ statue and my father is currently standing behind it, surveying the empty space.

The grandeur of the Council Arena is stately and powerful. The illustrations we studied on Evolirium were an exact replica but on paper, did not show the true glory I sight in person. I instantly understand why it is the perfect setting for a godly wedding.Will my mother be there?

“What are you doing here semi god?” Zeus thunders as he catches sight of me.

I step forward, shadowed by the scale of the space, however, no longer in hiding. I am here to speak my truth and I pray to the Fates my father takes the news of my godly bloodline, his bloodline, well. The nerves start to tingle through my veins and settle into knots within my stomach. For a moment, my resolve weakens, but then I think of Psyche and what lengths she was willing to take to keep her secret buried. Clearing my throat, I say, “My name is Siriarna, and I am your daughter.” No nonsense, no stuttering, just the facts of his involvement in giving me life.

His posture remains stout, his head steady, but his steel grey eyes are widened, and I see the storm brewing behind them. He takes a step forward and I am plunged further into darkness by his shadow. This imposing god, the Almighty Zeus, is towering above me shaking his head. “Impossible,” he says through gritted teeth. However, as he bends to my level, he gazes into my eyes and I know he feels what I do. An instant kindred.

He sways backward and unwittingly seats himself into his throne. “Who is your mother?” he asks while smoothing his long thick beard.

Without hesitating, I answer…“Psyche.”

The confusion is clear as his brows knit together. Then a knowing nod replaces the emotion as he delves deep into his long ago past. “On Knossos.”

“Yes.” I answer.

“I’m not sure I understand,” he says firmly, trying to link the centuries ago past to my 18 year old self standing in front of him now.

“The Fates suspended and bound me to the ribbons of Time until Time could no longer hold me. I was guarded by Eileithyia.” My soul weeps at the mention of the goddess’ name.

“Eileithyia? She should have come to me. We have no secrets,” he declares, although his face displays the contradiction.

Before another word is spoken, Hera arrives. The arena suddenly feels small and suffocating. “There you are.” She directs her question to Zeus. “Hermes is looking for you, he needs to go over last minute wedding details.”

He scratches his head, looks to me, and then to his wife. “Come to my palace after the wedding, Siriarna. We have much to discuss,” he says before disappearing in a silver flash.
