Page 103 of Blood and Fire

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The bed at the top of the stairs was recessed into a space with three big windows on each side, so that one would feel like they were in a bed that was floating on air. He tossed the comforter back and set her down on the snowy white expanse of the sheet.

He sat down beside her. Slid his hand into hers. Waited.

She sat there, catching her breath and hiding her face against his shoulders. After a few minutes, she looked up. “It occurs to me that this crazy situation might just have a silver lining,” she announced.

He gripped her thigh, high up, where he could circle his fingertip delicately around the top of her sensitive slit. “No! Really?”

“I didn’t mean just sex,” she said tartly. “Believe it or not.”

“Guess I’m not trying hard enough,” he remarked

She batted his hand away. “Shhh. What I mean is, you finally have a chance to put it right. To straighten out the great painful dilemmas of your existence. When do people ever get to do that? Never, Bruno. Most of us just have to suck it up. Whatever our baggage is.”

Suck it up. Yeah, that’s what he’d done, for twenty years. “Aside from the question of whether we survive this great opportunity, what the hell’s with you? You working on that glass half full attitude again?”

She slid off the bed and to her knees, facing him. “You bet I am,” she said throatily. “And I am going to help you do the same thing.”

His blood thundered, looking into those lovely eyes, those hot, soft lips. “Oh, yeah? And how are you going to do that?”

“Like this.” She leaned forward, and sucked his cock into her mouth.

* * *

She’d meantfor it to be playful, to lighten the mood, make him laugh. But her sensual assault had the opposite effect.

He dragged in a ragged gulp of air, and arched over her, clenching handfuls of the sheet. He shook, his body as taut as a mass of high tension cables. She caressed him, voluptuous twisting strokes and swirls with hands and tongue, but his quivering tension worried her.

She looked up. “Hey, Bruno,” she urged. “Relax. Breathe.”

He cupped her face and kissed her. Sweet, desperate kisses, so tender and pleading, they undid her utterly. Any plan she might have had of cajoling him into a better headspace fell apart. He was seething with raw feeling. No games, no tricks. Just two naked souls, trying to knot themselves together for all eternity.

It made her heart flower, hot and helplessly yearning. Expanding into something bigger, wider, someone who could maybe take in the world, and accept it. Love it. Good and bad.

He spread her out, and she stretched and arched for him, in total trust. His weight pinned her down against the cool linen, the boundaries of her universe exquisitely defined by his body. His mouth moving over hers, drinking her in.

He poised himself over her, tongue thrusting and twining with hers while he stroked the bulb of his penis between her pussy lips. Up and down, dipping tenderly into the well of lube, and then up, over. More moist, sliding, licking strokes, teasing and swirling himself juicily around her clit. She shuddered and jerked, raising her hips. Silently begging for him to thrust inside, and be done with it.

He lifted his head, letting her gasp in some badly needed air. His face was shrouded in shadows, but she felt the raw hunger, barely controlled. It made her heart swell until it hurt. She arched, pushed, forcing his cock inside, crying out with delight at the slow invasion.

They gasped, sighed, with each slow drag out and plunge back in.

She rocked and heaved to get him deeper. She felt flushed and throbbing inside, clenching and moaning as he stirred her around with his thick, hot club. Every squeeze pumped pleasure through her body.

It didn’t matter who was on top, who beneath, who gave, who took. They each gave and took everything, with frantic tenderness. The storm took them, tossed them, like leaves and twigs in wild water.

It washed them up finally, limp and helpless on the other side.

Lily was lying on top of him when she floated back. Sweat cooled on her back, but she was warmed by the scorching heat of his body, the thick presence of his cock, still wedged deep inside her. His heartbeat throbbed, slow and heavy against her womb. Against her heart, too. She rose and fell with the rhythm of his breath.

Only when the chilled sweat made her start to shiver did she lift herself carefully off, sliding his half-hard penis out of her body.

And found herself awash with come.

Hello.She sucked in air. Reality slammed back. She flopped onto her side next to him, trying to breathe. The bedside table had been stocked with condoms. Tam told them, pointedly.

And they’d just jumped off that cliff without a thought. Again.

Her brain was fried with sex hormones. By now, they were spoiled rotten for skin on skin, hot and wet and intimate. And once a barrier was breached, it was so hard to go back and reestablish it.
