Page 111 of Master of Secrets

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Into the mouth of the wolf.



They parked the van a few blocks away, and all three of them peered through the binoculars as they watched Ethan get out of his car, look around, look up at the sky…and walk into the building.

And that was that. No going back. Visual contact lost.

Freya made a low sound in the back of her throat. She had that waxy gray look he disliked. Her lips were bluish. Her face a mask of tension.

The cell phone on the seat of the van Mick was driving buzzed, and he grabbed it, grateful for anything that might distract him from the thought of Holly in that woman’s hands. Both he and Freya had experienced her psychotic sadism firsthand.

It was Amos. Freya leaned in to listen as he answered. “Yeah.”

“Where are you guys? You nearby?”

“In Northwest Portland,” Jed told him. “Ethan just followed Nicole’s directions into an office building near the river, on Front Avenue. He’s gone now.”

“We’re not far,” Amos said. “Braithwaite is only a few miles away from that. I’m sending our position. We’re a half a mile away from Braithwaite, in a parking lot of an asphalt factory. We have eyes in there. When they bring him in, we’ll see.”

“You took the drones inside?”

“Yes, each one of us piloted a Bumblebee69. Saw some interesting stuff. The place has about twenty armed men. Darius’s bee sniffed explosives. I’m sending the image now. We think the ordnance is stored inside a catering van that’s parked inside. The logo on the outside says,Orgoglio & Delizia Fine Catering. I checked online. Same company that’s catering the food for the summit.”

“Interesting,” Freya murmured.

“Just to have more options, we paid the catering company a visit. We slapped a trace on the undercarriage of every one of their vans parked near their headquarters. If we should need to get one of them, we’ll know whichever one is closest.”

“Excellent thought,” Jed said. “How about Kat and Holly?”

“No sign of them yet,” Amos said. “I’m thinking, if they send Kat out to drive that van, they’ll probably want to be in constant contact with her visually. Our signal jammer could scramble that connection.”

“Good idea. See you at the rendezvous point. It’s still early, but we’d better preemptively snag one of those catering vans. If they send Kat to the convention center, Mick and I need to be ready to follow, and you three have to go in for Ethan and Holly.”

“Gotcha. On it. Later.”

He felt the weight of Freya’s eyes, and carefully avoided looking at her.

“Jed,” she said.

“What?” he snapped.

“You and Mick will go after the explosives van, the Drakes are going into the Braithwaite facility for Ethan and Holly…and me? What do I do?”

“You stay at the rendezvous point,” he said flatly.

“Ah,” she said. “Right. For this, I’ve been training like crazy in small arms and hand-to-hand combat. To sit alone in a car, and listen to the wind in the trees while literally all the people I love most in the world are fighting desperately for their lives.”

“Frey, for fuck’s sake—”

“We’ve been lovers for months, Jed. We’ve saved each other’s lives. We’ve exchanged rings and deathless vows. But sometimes, I have a feeling you still have no fucking idea what you’re dealing with.”

He let out a sigh. “That is the God’s own truth.”


