Page 41 of Saving Scarlet

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“We’ll keep an eye on her,” Grady says.

Killian nods, then looks at me. “Be a good girl while I’m gone. Okay?”

I nibble on my bottom lip, resisting the urge to pout. I know he has to go to work, but I hate being away from him. Sheesh. Am I already that attached to him?

“Maybe I’ll call Cali and we can watch a movie together on video chat,” I say, trying to keep the tremble out of my voice.

“That sounds like a good idea, baby girl. I think she’d like that. There are Cheetos and candy in the pantry. Eat dinner first, though. Understand?”

“Yes. Promise you’ll be back tonight?”

Why am I feeling so insecure all of a sudden? I hate this side of me.

“I promise. Want to pinky swear on it?” he asks.

He holds up his pinky, but I look at it incredulously. “Pinky swear?”

“Yeah. Cali taught it to me. She said pinky swears are the most sacred promise in the world.”

That makes me smile. My sister and I have always made pinky promises with each other. I wrap my pinky with his and nod. “Okay.”

It feels like the two of us are in a bubble together, but then I remember that Bash and Grady are in the room with us too, grinning like fools as they watch.

Killian puts me down and kisses my forehead before he presses his lips to mine. “Be good, Little girl. Call or text if you need me for anything.”

I nod and watch as he leaves the room, feeling an immediate sense of loss like part of my heart is missing from my body. That’s when I realize I might be in love with Killian.



Eight men we consider family greet us when we enter The Cage, an MMA gym our friend owns. They’re not part of the mafia, though we’ve tried to recruit them. Despite the fact they aren’t even Irish.

My other best friend, Hawk, hugs me, thumping me on the back. “Hey, bro. Long time no see.”

I grin at him. “I try to avoid your ugly mug. Where’s Ellie? Now her, I love to see.”

He lets out a low growl. “She’s mine.”

The man is basically a bear in human form. Possibly part caveman too. Although, I suppose I’m also like that when it comes to Scarlet.

“Easy, big guy. I have a girl.”

Hawk raises his eyebrows. “Yeah? I can’t wait to meet her. Wait, does she know she’s yours or is she chained up in your dungeon?”

I shove him. “Fuck off. She knows she’s mine. She’s Cali’s sister.”

His eyes widen. “Oh, fuck. The girl you were all looking for a few weeks back?”

“Yeah. That’s why we’re here. There are some Russians who’ve gone rogue and are coming after us because we killed Ivan Petrov.”

“Well, fuck. Let’s get down to business so we can make sure your girl is safe.”

We all sit around a long table in the gym’s secure room.

“Thanks for meeting with us. I know you all have a lot going on with your businesses and women.”

Knox shrugs. “You guys have helped us out numerous times. You know we’ll always help you when we can. Who are we looking for?”
