Page 45 of Saving Scarlet

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“Mm hmm. So good and cold,” I say between gulps.

After I’ve swallowed the pain relievers and chugged nearly the entire bottle of water, he grabs the plate of food and turns toward me. It smells divine.

I reach for the plate, but he swats my hand away. “Daddy’s going to feed you. You sit there like a good Little girl and let me take care of you.”

Because all of that sounds so lovely, I obey and sit back against the headboard with the blankets tucked in around my waist. I don’t remember taking off my bra or leggings last night, but I’m assuming Daddy took care of that. My heart swoons.

He starts feeding me bites of bacon, eggs, fried potatoes, and toast. It’s greasy as hell, but definitely the best meal I’ve had in a long time.

“So, did anything happen last night?” I ask.

“We went to see some friends of ours who may be able to help find the goons we’re looking for.”

I scrunch my nose. “Like friends who aren’t in the mafia?”

He smiles. “Yes, baby. Believe it or not, we have a few friends outside of this world. We also have friends in other syndicate groups. We’re close with the Italians.”

“Oh. I thought you only ran in your own circles.”

“Nah. It’s always good to have people in every corner. A couple of the guys had their Little girls there last night. I think you’d like them. Lucy is a total sweetheart.”

My shoulders tighten, and my tummy does a flip.

Don’t say anything, Scarlet. Just shut up.

“Like how sweet? Is she sweet on you?” I blurt.

Gosh, I’m pathetic.

Killian’s hand freezes midair. He drops the fork onto the plate with a clatter before he uses both hands to cup my chin. “Are you jealous, Scarlet?”

I scoff and try to pull my face away, but he doesn’t let me. And the way he’s staring at me tells me I’m going to have to answer his question. Why the hell did I say anything in the first place?

“I was just asking if maybe she liked you and maybe you liked her more than me.”

A mix of emotions crosses his face. Anger, confusion, sympathy. I’m pretty sure he’s going to get up and walk out of the room because he’s realized I really am too much to handle. I’m too insecure and needy. When he stands and turns, my bottom lip trembles, but he doesn’t leave. Instead, he sets the plate on the tray, then sits next to me on the bed. He settles me on his lap facing him with his arms wrapped around me tightly.

“Baby girl, you are theonlyperson I’m interested in. I’m not the type of man who wants to fuck around with multiple women. I’ve never been that type. When I’m with someone, I’m with them. Lucy is a sweet girl, but she’s only a friend. She loves her Daddy very much and he’s a good friend of mine. I don’t betray the people I care about, and I care about you. I would rather cut off my arm than ever hurt you.”

His reassuring words are genuine, and I can’t stop tears from spilling down my cheeks.

“Hey,” he says, cupping my face. “What’s going on?”

I sniffle and shake my head. “I’m sorry. That was stupid. I just…Every guy I’ve ever been with has cheated on me. I don’t know why I’m not lovable enough to be faithful to.”

His eyes darken. “Any man who would be unfaithful to you is an idiot. You know, my father always told me that when you come across the person who owns the other half of your heart, other women don’t exist anymore. I never knew what he meant by it until I first laid eyes on you in that cold, dark cell. You’re mine, baby. And I’m yours. Lucy is a sweet girl, but she’s not you. No one will ever be you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Even though I hear his words, they’re difficult to believe. I’ve been let down so many times. I never knew my dad. My mom was never there for either of us. Cali has been the one and only person who’s never left me or gotten tired of all my baggage.

“I understand what you’re saying. I’m sorry I questioned you.”

With his fingers firmly cupping my chin, he stares at me with so much intensity it causes a shiver to run down my spine. “Don’t ever apologize for questioning me. I want you to question me if you have doubts. I have nothing to hide. You want to look through my phone, have at it. You want to ask my friends invasive questions about me, do it. You want to hook me up to a lie detector test, we’ll do that. I will prove my commitment to you as many times as it takes until you trust me. Okay?”

I smile, blinking back the tears pooling in my eyes. “Okay.”

He gives me a smug smile. “Besides, it’s kind of sweet when you get jealous like that. It means you like me.”

My cheeks heat and I try not to grin. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
