Page 29 of Doc

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Her eyes were closed when he went back into the bedroom.As soon as he sat on the edge of the bed, they fluttered open.

“I’m going to give you some medicine.It’s liquid and tastes like grapes.Then I’ll give you some juice.”

She watched as he pulled the right amount of acetaminophen into a syringe.When he held the tip to her lips, she opened for him.

“That’s my good girl,” he cooed as he slowly squirted the liquid into her mouth.

“That’s yummy.”

“Yeah.I’ve found that Little girls tend to take their medicine without fighting me if it tastes good.”

He held the bottle up.“This is juice that has electrolytes in it.I want you to drink as much of it as you can before you fall asleep.Do you want Daddy to hold it for you or do you want to do it?”

She hesitated for a few seconds before she held out her hand.“I’ll hold it.”

“Use both hands, Little one.”

With both hands wrapped around the bottle, she brought the nipple to her lips and then glanced at him.He nodded his approval and smiled when she started suckling on it.

“Good girl.I want you to close your eyes and sleep.I’ll stay here until you drift off.Then I’m going to go check on the other Littles to see if they’re feeling okay.I’ll take a baby monitor with me, so if you wake up and I’m not in here, call out for me and I’ll come.Don’t get out of bed unless you need to go potty.Understood?”

“Yes,” she mumbled around the nipple.

She closed her eyes, and he couldn’t resist reaching out to stroke her face.He hated how warm she still was, but the medicine would kick in soon enough.It only took a few minutes before her breathing evened out, and she started snoring softly, her lips going lax around the bottle.He gently pulled it from her grasp and replaced it with a pacifier before he grabbed the baby monitor and left the room.

He hated to leave Harper, but she needed to rest, and he had the baby monitor camera facing her so he could check on her.Besides, he needed to make sure the other Littles weren’t getting sick.

Kade and Remi were the first ones he found when he got to the large community room.

“Harper has a fever.I put her down for a nap.You want to bring Remi back to the medical room so I can take her temperature and make sure she’s not coming down with something?”

Even though he’d directed the question to Kade, Remi groaned and shook her head.“No.I don’t have a fever.I feel fine.”

Doc and Kade raised an eyebrow at the same time.

“Pretty sure that’s not your decision to make, princess.Let’s go,” Kade said, holding his hand out for her.

She dropped her shoulders and stuck her bottom lip out.“I don’t wanna get my temperature taken.I’m not sick.”

When she didn’t budge, Kade picked her up and followed Doc toward his medical room.

“Princess, we can do it the easy way or you can have a red bottom while Doc takes your temp.Your choice, but either way, it’s happening,” Kade said firmly.

Doc closed the door behind them and watched as Kade set a pissed-off Remi on the exam table.As soon as he let her go, she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.

“Remi,” he warned.

“I don’t want an exam.I’m fine,” she snapped.

The entire scene was amusing.Remi was always the one to fight her exams the most, yet she was also the one who always got the most turned on from them.Doc loved that she fought so hard, but by the end, he knew she’d be panting and mewling over being so exposed and vulnerable.

“Little girl,” Kade said softly.

“Old man.”She glared at him.“Why don’t you get a thermometer in your butt and see how it feels?”

Doc ran his hand over his face, trying to hide his quiet laughter.She was on a roll today.There was no doubt in his mind she’d have a red bottom by the time he got to take her temperature.

“Okay, that’s it.”Kade grabbed her by the wrist.In one swift move, he had her spun around so she was facing the exam table before he pressed his hand between her shoulder blades to bend her over.
